Crozet Park Expansion Survey

Crozet Park Expansion
Your input is necessary!

Almost three years ago the Park’s board of directors solicited input via online survey from the Crozet community and the County at large regarding ideas for new amenities at community-owned Claudius Crozet Park.

From that input significant capital improvements were triggered including new pavilions, a dog park, expanded parking and soon, a multipurpose perimeter trail. A pond-side amphitheater is planned for 2017.

We are now soliciting input on the largest of these capital improvements, a comprehensive expansion of the Park’s aquatic and fitness center.  Your input will directly guide our efforts.

Please help us take this next big step by providing your input at:

 Thank you,  2016 Board of Directors, Claudius Crozet Park

Dedication of the memorial chimney, Saturday, November 5

Dedication of the memorial chimney
at Patricia Ann Byrom Forest Preserve Park
on Saturday, November 5, 2016 at 1:00 pm

The entrance to Byrom Park is on Route 810 in Blackwells Hollow.
Follow Garth Road to the Piedmont Store in Whitehall, go around the curve to the right onto Rt. 810 (do not go straight up to Sugar Hollow), Follow Rt. 810 for 7.8 miles and entrance is on the left.  Approximately 45 minutes from Charlottesville.

More details about the Chimney project:

Albemarle Blue Ridge Heritage is a grassroots effort to create a monument, in the form of a stone chimney with memorial plaque, to honor families displaced from land now in the Shenandoah National Park. Additionally, the Albemarle project intends to construct a shelter that will including information panels and can be used for mission-related cultural and educational events.

The project will utilize living history and cultural exhibits, displays, presentations, and demonstrations to promote historical and cultural tourism, to engage the local community, and to educate future generations and visitors to the area about the people who lived in the Blue Ridge Mountains before the creation of Shenandoah National Park and who gave up so much to make the Park possible.

Phase 1 is complete: a stand-alone (non-working) chimney with memorial plaque to acknowledge and honor the sacrifices of families displaced from their homes and land for the creation of Shenandoah National Park. In Phase II we intend to construct a post and beam structure to shelter informational and educational panels regarding the displacement and the community that existed in these mountains prior to the displacement.

In addition, the shelter can promote recreation, tourism to the area and educate our school-aged children through heritage events and demonstrations of mountain culture. The structure will be built to the approximate dimensions of a modest size house in the Albemarle section of the Park survey area during the 1930’s, just prior to creation of the Park.

Additional online resources that may be of assistance to you include:
Facebook page:
Please let me know if you have additional questions or I can provide additional information to assist in your process.  For information contact:
Paul Cantrell
Albemarle Blue Ridge Heritage Project
Steering Committee


CCAC Meeting Agenda 19 October 2016


Crozet Library, 2020 Library Avenue, Crozet
Wednesday, October 19, 2016 from 7:00 to 9:00 PM

Click here for PDF (printable) version of the agenda.


1. Agenda Review. (David Stoner – CCAC chair)

2. Approval of Minutes (Draft minutes of September 21, 2016 meeting not yet available)

3. Albemarle County Schools Bond Referendum on Nov. 8 (TBD–15min)

4. Public Meeting– Freetown Cabin Relocation to 1278 Crozet Ave (Matt Lucas–20 min)

5.  Update from All-CAC Meeting (Lee Catlin – 20min)

  1. Potential Public/Community Meeting Changes
  2. Proffer Policy Issues

6.  Discuss Focus Areas Priorities (All–30min)
(Focus area liaisons please come with thoughts on “top 3-4” priorities/goals/actions)

7. Items not listed on the agenda

8. Announcements

9.  Future Agenda Items

The CCAC’s role and “charter” doc’s are found here:
General CCAC info
CCAC Overview & Duties:

DCI meeting Wednesday, October 5, 2016

The Downtown Crozet Initiative (DCI) committee
monthly meeting is now
Wednesday, October 5, 2016
Noon to 2:00 PM
in the Crozet Library Community Room

Our regularly scheduled first Thursday of the month meeting (on 10/6) had to be moved to Wednesday, October 5, to accommodate Mahan Rykiel’s schedule.  Mahan Rykiel is the landscape architecture firm hired to design the plaza and surrounding area with input from Crozet residents, business owners, and other stakeholders.

The DCI Committee will meet with Mahan Rykiel, the landscape architecture firm hired to design the plaza downtown, to discuss:
* Opportunities and constraints relating to the plaza design
* Master Plan options, specifically related to road and park locations
* Preliminary design concepts

Please join us to offer ideas or simply observe the progress.
Can’t make the meeting – email us your ideas and suggestions to or post them to our Facebook page at:

The DCI is a committee of the CCA.

Household Hazardous Waste and Bulky Waste Days – Fall 2016

Rivanna Solid Waste Authority (RWSA)
Hazardous Waste and Bulk Waste Amnesty Days

Starts  Thursday, September 29 with business collection requiring pre-registration. (To participate in this event, businesses must pre-register with CARE Environmental Corp. via email with John Doffinger ( or Jim McKenna ( and there is a fee associated with disposal.)

Household Hazardous Waste Collection
at the Ivy Materials Utilization Center 
is scheduled as follows:

Friday, September 30, 2016:   9am-2pm
Saturday, October 1, 2016: 9am-2pm

Find out the Household Hazardous Waste ACCEPTED ITEMS here.

and then the next three Saturdays in October are the Fall Bulky Waste Amnesty Days.

Amnesty Item Collection Date
Furniture/Mattresses October 8, 2016
Appliances October 15, 2016
Tires October 22, 2016

Details on the Rivanna Water & Sewer Authority (RWSA) website:

CCAC Meeting Agenda 21 September 2016


Crozet Library, 2020 Library Avenue, Crozet
Wednesday, September 21, 2016 from 7:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m.

Click here for PDF (printable) version of the agenda.


1. Agenda Review. (David Stoner – CCAC chair)

2. Approval of Minutes (Draft minutes of August 17, 2016 meeting)

3. Discussion of Possible Expansion of Commuter Bus Service (Becca White, UVA & Brad Sheffield, Jaunt – 30 min)

4.  Discussion with Planning Staff (Elaine Echols & David Benish – 40 min) [Click here for Meeting Minutes from August- Stoner-Echols-Benish meeting on Crozet Master Plan (CMP)]

  1. Population/build-out methodology and update
  2. Master Plan update efforts
  3. Staff-CAC relationships and working together

5.  Barnes Lumber Rezoning Follow‑up Discussion (Elaine Echols and All – 30min)

6.  Brief Update on Recent BOS and PC Actions (Ann Mallek, Jennie More & John – 10min) [Click here for summary document]

  1. Adelaide
  2. Restore-n-Station
  3. West Glenn
  4. The Vue
  5. Foothills Crossing Next Phase

7. Finalize Focus Areas and Committee Liaison Roles (All – time permitting)  [Click here for proposed roles]

8. Items not listed on the agenda

9. Announcements

10.  Future Agenda Items

The CCAC’s role and “charter” doc’s are found here:
General CCAC info
CCAC Overview & Duties:

DCI committee meeting with Mahan Rykiel Thursday, Sept. 15

The Crozet Community Association’s Downtown Crozet Initiative (DCI) committee meets Thursday, September 15 from 3:00 to 5:00 PM at King Family Vineyards, in their library room. Mahan Rykiel, the landscape architecture firm hired for the design of the plaza, will be there for an informational session to gather details needed for the design of the plaza. They have been provided all the backgrounds materials from the Crozet Master Plan through the Barnes Lumber Town Hall meeting designs and discussions to the various Barnes Lumber property designs. All are welcome.

CCA Meeting Agenda September 8, 2016

Crozet Community Meeting Agenda
September 8, 2016
7:30 PM at the Field School

(Click here for PDF version of the agenda)

Agenda Review / Changes and additions from the floor.
Approval of the CCA’s last meeting’s minutes (May 12, 2016) (Click here for PDF version of the minutes)
Treasurer’s Report by Emery Taylor  ($10 family contribution)

A Moment in Crozet History – Phil James

Albemarle County Police Department (ACPD) visit and update (Evening Patrol Division) As part of the Albemarle County Police department community policing.

Presentation: Habitat for Humanity of Greater Charlottesville: Building Mixed-Income Communities at Wickham Pond by Garrett Trent, Volunteer Manager   (

An idea and survey for expansion of commuter bus service to UVa from Crozet: Becca White, Director of UVa Parking and Transportation; Brad Sheffield, Executive Director of JAUNT

Updates and News from Ann Mallek, our county supervisor.

Old Business:

  •  Re-cap of Crozet Independence Day Celebration on July 2, 2016
  • Update from Downtown Crozet Initiative committee

New Business: 

  • New Crozet survey for master plan revision. Volunteers?
  • Other?

Comments or Questions?

Future Agenda Items?

Announcements –

    • Crozet Community Advisory Committee (CCAC) meeting Wednesday, September 21 at 7:00 PM at the Crozet Library.  Details and notices on our website
    • 2016 Citizens Fire & Rescue Academy-starting September 22. Details: or call 296-5833 to sign up!
    • Rivanna Solid Waste Authority (RWSA) Hazardous Waste Amnesty Days start Thursday, September 29 with business collection requiring pre-registration. After that it’s household hazardous waste on Friday & Saturday, 9/30-31 and then the next three Saturdays in October. Details on our website and
    • Crozet Trails Crew Seventh Annual 5K Trail Race, Saturday October 8, at Crozet Park. Details:
    • Others?

 The next CCA meeting is November 10, 2016 at 7:30 PM at the Field School Auditorium

CCA meetings are at 7:30 PM on the second Thursday of the odd numbered months (except July).
Join our email list, by clicking on the “Contact Us” link on the top of this page.
This email list is moderated, so you cannot get spam because only approved email messages are sent out.  Volume is usually 4-6 emails a month, all related to Crozet & Western Albemarle events and concerns.

CCAC Meeting Agenda 17 August 2016


Crozet Library, 2020 Library Avenue, Crozet
Wednesday, August 17, 2016 from 7:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m.

Click here for PDF (printable) version of the agenda.


1. Agenda Review. (David Stoner – CCAC chair)

Approval of Minutes (Draft minutes of July 20, 2016 meeting)

3. Update on possible police substation in Crozet (Capt. Greg Jenkins ACPD – 15min)

4. Update Focus Areas and Committee Liaison Roles (All – 20 min)

5. Barnes Lumber & Downtown Crozet Initiative (DCI) Update (1 hour)
a. Barnes Rezoning Presentation (Frank Stoner, Milestone Partners)
b. DCI Update (Mary Beth Bowen and Dave Stoner, DCI)

6. Follow-up on CCAC Priorities and Master Plan Update Discussion (All-time permitting)

7.   Items not listed on the agenda

8.  Announcements

9.  Future Agenda Items

The CCAC’s role and “charter” doc’s are found here:
General CCAC info
CCAC Overview & Duties:
CCAC Fact Sheet:
Rules of Procedure:

CCAC Meeting Agenda 20 July 2016


Crozet Library, 2020 Library Avenue, Crozet
Wednesday, July 20, 2016 from 7:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m.

Click here for PDF (printable) version of the agenda.


1. Agenda Review. (David Stoner – CCAC chair)

2. Approval of past meeting Minutes  (June 15 and May 18, 2016 meeting minutes.)

3. Review CCAC Fact Sheet and Introduction/Overview Duties [10 min]

4. CCAC Priorities and Goals Discussion [90min] Click here to download preliminary document

  1. What are the most important issues facing Crozet? Should we advocate more for certain of these stated in the Master Plan? Which? How?
  2. Master Plan Monitoring, Review, and Update – should we do more?
  3. Public Meetings and Project Reviews – are we spending our time wisely?
  4. Are there other issues, county processes, or things we should focus on?
  5. Need to update Committee Liaisons (Aug 2016)
  6. Are there ways we conduct business that can be improved upon?

5.   Items not listed on the agenda

6.  Announcements

7.  Future Agenda Items

  1. Update Committee Liaison Roles
  2. Barnes Lumber Rezoning Presentation (tentative)

The CCAC’s role and “charter” doc’s are found here:
General CCAC info
CCAC Overview & Duties:
CCAC Fact Sheet:
Rules of Procedure: