Crozet Community Survey – General Public

Crozet Community Survey
June 2017
Survey is closing August 20!


We want to gather input from as many people in Crozet as possible, so we appreciate you sharing your opinion on topics related to Crozet.  We urge you and others in your household to fill out and complete this questionnaire as soon as possible.    If you received a letter inviting you to take this survey, please click here to go to the scientific sample survey webpage.  The two survey’s questions are identical.

It should take about 15 minutes to complete the questions in the survey. There are no right or wrong answers; what’s important is your opinion.  All of your responses will be anonymous and kept confidential, only group results will be published.

When you’re ready, click here to go to the public survey to begin the survey.   Thank you in advance for your time and thoughtful input.    [We delayed the availability of the public survey to give time for the letters to arrive in case you should be taking the scientific sample Crozet Community Survey.]

This survey was sponsored and developed by local citizens of the Crozet Community Association (CCA), the Downtown Crozet Initiative (DCI), and the Crozet Board of Trade (CBT), and Albemarle County staff. It is the first step of the upcoming Crozet Master Plan update/revision. It is one of several opportunities for your active participation in the decisions affecting our community in the next five and beyond.

The Crozet Master Plan (CMP) is supposed to be revised every five years. That revision time should have been in 2015, however the County postponed the revision until 2018.   In order to complete the revision with as little delay as possible, we are starting with a community survey now, as was done in 2009 before the 2010 Crozet Master Plan revision.


Our invitation letters to selected households to take the Crozet Community Survey started to arrive this weekend.  We mailed to a random sample of  2,000  of the 2,600 households inside the Crozet growth area, and 1,000 households adjacent to the growth area  to take the Crozet Community survey, so not everyone will get an invitation letter.  Responses to the survey from this scientific sample of households are now streaming in online.

Unfortunately, the mailing of the invitation letters was unexpectedly delayed, so we must postpone the opening of the “public” survey to give all of you who have received a letter a chance to open and take the survey.  We’ll open the link to the “public” survey on Saturday, June 17 at Noon; that link will be available to anyone who wishes to add their voice to the survey results.

We appreciate your patience and understanding regarding the delay in making the public survey available.

Please contact the CCA at if you have trouble starting the survey or have other problems or questions regarding the Crozet Community Survey.

Crozet Community Survey – Scientific Sample

Crozet Community Survey
Scientific Sample
June 2017

You are at this webpage because you’ve been randomly selected to share your opinion on topics related to Crozet. By using a scientifically representative sample of Crozet residents, survey results can be used to draw conclusions about the whole community’s perspective, so we ask that only you complete the questionnaire.  Please complete the questionnaire as soon as possible.

It should take about 15 minutes to complete the questions below. There are no right or wrong answers; what’s important is your opinion.  All of your responses will be kept confidential, only group results will be published.

Please have your access code  that was printed in the letter you received handy. You will need to enter it to gain access to the survey.  When you’re ready, click here  to start the survey.   Thank you in advance for your time and input.

We invite others in your household to take the survey by clicking here to go to the public survey webpage.  The two survey’s questions are identical, however the public survey will not be available until the weekend of June 10-11.

This survey was sponsored and developed by local citizens of the Crozet Community Association (CCA), the Downtown Crozet Initiative (DCI), and the Crozet Board of Trade (CBT), and Albemarle County staff. It is the first step of the upcoming Crozet Master Plan update/revision. It is one of several opportunities for your active participation in the decisions affecting our community in the next five and beyond.

The Crozet Master Plan (CMP) is supposed to be revised every five years. That revision time should have been in 2015, however the County postponed the revision until 2018.   In order to complete the revision with as little delay as possible, we are starting with a community survey now, as was done in 2009 before the 2010 Crozet Master Plan revision.

Please contact the CCA at if you have trouble starting the survey or have other problems or questions.  


Donate to Crozet Independence Day Celebration 2017

The Seventh Annual Crozet Independence Day Parade, Celebration, and Fireworks

Saturday, July 1, 2017

Making a Contribution

These events involve a lot of donated time from a lot of individuals and donated materials and services from local companies, but it still cannot happen without financial contributions, too.

  • You can contribute right now, online, by clicking on this link:  Donate to CIDC through Network for Good
  • Please put “CIDC donation” in the Designation box.


Of course, we appreciate all donations, but to boost our efforts to cover expenses, we have three leadership donor levels and we are hoping that you will show your support by becoming a lead patron this year.

  • For a gift of $500 or more, we will prominently display your company banner you provide at the entrance to the park during the event, identify your patron status in the Crozet Gazette and event handbill and provide you with ten passes to the celebration in the park.
  • For a gift of $250 to $499, you will receive acknowledgment in the Crozet Gazette and event handbill and four passes to the celebration in the park.
  • And, for a gift of $100 to $249, you will receive two passes to the celebration in the park, published thanks in the Crozet Gazette and the event handbill.

July will be here before you know it.  Won’t you join us by contributing whatever you can afford?  If being a lead patron is too much this, please send whatever you can afford.   Your contribution is tax-deductible charitable donation. Thank you!

  1. You can mail a check payable to: Downtown Crozet Association and send it to: DCA, P.O. Box 863, Crozet, VA 22932.  Please put  “CIDC donation” on the memo line.
  2. You can contribute right now, online, by clicking on this link:  Donate to CIDC through Network for Good
  3. Please put “CIDC donation” in the Designation box.
  4. Thank you for your generous support!


It takes a village – won’t you help out on Saturday, July 1 for an hour?

We need your help for just an hour or two on Sunday, July 1.  Below is the website to sign-up to help with the Crozet Independence Day Celebration (CIDC) between 5PM to 10PM. There are a variety of tasks and time slots. Most of the time slots are only an hour – so there’s lots of ways to help and still enjoy the event.
To sign up, please click here! 

When you sign-up it will ask for your name, email and, optionally phone number.  No one else can see your email and phone.  We promise we won’t share it.  It’s helpful for us to have it if something happens and we need to let you know about a last minute change.

We urge church groups, civic and neighborhood associations to sign-up.  Crozet Trails Crew already has volunteered to staff one spot the whole evening!  Let’s see which group can have the most volunteers!

With your help, we can make this Crozet Independence Day celebration the best ever!


CCAC Meeting Agenda 17 May 2017


The Crozet Library, 2020 Library Avenue, Crozet
Wednesday, May 17, 2017 from 7:00 to 9:00 PM

Click here for PDF (printable) version of the agenda.


1.  Agenda Review. (Jon McKeon – CCAC vice-chair)

2.  Approval of Minutes (Draft minutes of February 15, 2017 meeting not yet available )

3.  Neighborhood Improvement Funding Initiative (NIFI) (All ~60+ min)

  1. Feedback from May 10 BOS Meeting
  2. Review, comment and discuss Neighborhood Improvement Funding Initiative (NIFI) Project Ideas – what needs to be further flushed out in each?   Click here for draft Neighborhood Improvement description 1 and Neighborhood Improvement description 2
  3. Further prioritization of project(s) to recommend to BOS

4. Discussion of CCAC Priorities for 2017/18 (Al l– time permitting)
      a. What should we be focusing on? NIFI projects? Master Plan Update prep? Other?

5.  Items not listed on the agenda

6.  Announcements:

7.   Future Agenda Items
      a. June meeting – RSWA-Drinking Water Infrastructure Plan for the Crozet Area.

The CCAC’s role and “charter” doc’s are found here:
General CCAC info
CCAC Overview & Duties:

CCA Meeting Agenda May 11, 2017

Crozet Community Meeting Agenda
May 11, 2017
7:30 PM at the Field School

(Click here for PDF version of the agenda)

Agenda Review / Changes and additions from the floor.
Approval of the CCA’s last meeting’s minutes (January 12, 2017) (Click here for PDF version of the minutes)
Albemarle County Police Department (ACPD) may visit and give an update. (Evening Patrol Division)

Update and News from Ann Mallek, our county supervisor

Old Business:

  • Update on the Downtown Crozet Initiative (DCI) committee, Barnes Lumber re-development, Crozet plaza, and the Neighborhood Funding Initiative.
  • Update from the Crozet Master Plan (CMP) survey committee (Tom Loach)
  • Update on Claudius Crozet Park (The Crozet Arts & Crafts Festival, is this weekend, Saturday May 13, 10:00 AM to 5:30 PM and Sunday, May 14 from 10:00AM to 5:00 PM

New Business:

  • Good neighbor award candidate suggestions
  • Volunteers to help with Crozet Independence Day Celebration to be held Saturday, July 1, 2017

Comments or Questions?  

Future Agenda Items?

Announcements –  

  • Crozet Community Advisory Committee (CCAC) meeting Wednesday, May 17 at 7:00 PM at the at the Crozet Library. Details and notices on our website.
  • Crozet Board of Trade meeting, Monday, May 15, at 7:30 PM at Pro Re Nata Farm Brewery.
  • Crozet Community Advisory Committee (CCAC) meeting Wednesday, May 17 at 7:00 PM at the Crozet Library. Details and notices on our website.
  • Crozet Independence Day Celebration planning meeting, Thursday, May 18 at 7:30 PM at the Crozet Firehouse. Any and all are welcome!
  • 4th annual Crozet Car Show on Saturday, May 20th, from 9:00AM to 1:00 PM at Claudius Crozet Park. Proceeds benefit the Crozet Park. Please contact Sam Harris with any questions,
  • Others?

The next CCA meeting is September 14, 2017 at 7:30 PM at the Field School

Join our email list by signing up at:
This email list is moderated, so you cannot get spam because only approved email messages are sent out.  Volume is usually 4-6 emails a month, all related to Crozet & Western Albemarle events and concerns.

Crozet Independence Day Celebration 2017

The Seventh Annual Crozet Independence Day Parade, Celebration, and Fireworks,  Saturday, July 1, 2017

It all starts with the Crozet Volunteer Fire Department (CVFD) parade at 5:00 PM at Crozet Elementary School and goes down Crozet Avenue through downtown Crozet to Claudius Crozet Park.  The Parade Grand Marshal is Crozet lifetime firefighter Lewis Barnette.  we hope that the Richmond Shriners’ ACCA Mini-Patrol cars are one of the many entries in the parade.

If you would like to be a part of the 2017 Crozet Fireman’s parade, please submit your entry to be in the parade  to ensure you are included in the lineup. Lineup will be based on a first come basis. Horses/livestock will be placed near or at the end of the parade. Lineup will begin at 4:00 P.M. at Crozet Elementary School and the parade ends at Claudius Crozet Park.   Awards will be presented around 7:30 P.M.

The celebration begins at Claudius Crozet Park after the parade, where there will be live music by local band Lockjaw, as well as bounce houses and games for children.  Bring a lawn chair if you want to be comfortable as you listen to the local band, LockJaw.  Pam Garrison from HitKicker 99.7 will MC the event and their mascot, the Hitkickin Chickin will be there!  Traditional American Fourth of July fare will be available, including barbecue from Smoked BBQ, hot dogs, hamburgers, pizza,  popcorn, apple pie,and sno-cones, as well as vegetarian and vegan choices, tacos, and other favorites!  Starr Hill, Blue Mountain,  & Pro Re Nada Beer and Bold Rock Cider will also be available for a separate cost.  Event culminates at 9:30 PM with a stupendous fireworks show. (We have it at 9:30 PM so it’s late enough to be dark, but not too late to for the youngsters to view the show.)

There are no pets allowed in the event and we’ll provide designated smoking areas and ask that you only smoke in those areas.  If you live nearby Crozet Park, we encourage you to walk!

How much would you pay for such good times?  All that’s asked is a donation of $4 per person (children 12 and under free) as you enter to park to help pay for the fireworks and event expenses.  The non-profit civic groups in Crozet are the ones that benefit from any money raised above the cost of the event, so please be generous. In past years, we’ve donated thousands of dollars to CVFD, and other civic groups.

Check out our Facebook page at:

The event is sponsored by the Crozet Volunteer Fire Department, Crozet Community Association, Claudius Crozet Park, Crozet Lions Club,  Life Journey Church, Crozet Board of Trade, and several other area churches, and citizen volunteers.

Making a Contribution

These events involve a lot of donated time from a lot of individuals, but they can’t happen without financial contributions, too. Of course, we appreciate all donations, but to boost our efforts to cover expenses, we have three leadership donor levels and we are hoping that you will show your support by becoming a lead patron this year.

  • For a gift of $500 or more, we will prominently display your company banner you provide at the entrance to the park during the event, identify your patron status in the Crozet Gazette and event handbill and provide you with ten passes to the celebration in the park.
  • For a gift of $250 to $499, you will receive acknowledgment in the Crozet Gazette and event handbill and four passes to the celebration in the park.
  • And, for a gift of $100 to $249 you will receive two passes to the celebration in the park, published thanks in the Crozet Gazette and the event handbill.

July will be here before you know it.  Won’t you join us by contributing whatever you can afford?  If being a lead patron is too much this, please send whatever you can afford.   Your contribution is tax-deductible charitable donation. Thank you!

  1. You can mail a check payable to: Crozet Board of Trade and send it to: DCA, P.O. Box 261, Crozet, VA 22932.  Please put  “CIDC donation” on the memo line.
  2. You can contribute right now, online, by clicking on this link:  Donate to CIDC through Network for Good
  3. Please put “CIDC donation” in the Designation box.
  4. Thank you for your generous support!

It takes a village – won’t you help out on Saturday, July 1 for an hour?

We need your help for just an hour or two on Saturday, July 1.  Below is the website to sign-up to help with the Crozet Independence Day Celebration (CIDC) next Saturday, July 1, between 5PM to 10PM. There are a variety of tasks and time slots. Most of the time slots are only an hour – so there’s lots of ways to help and still enjoy the event.  To sign-up, please click here. 

When you sign-up it will ask for your name, email and, optionally phone number.  No one else can see your email and phone.  We promise we won’t share it.  It’s helpful for us to have it if something happens and we need to let you know about a last minute change.

We urge church groups, civic and neighborhood associations to sign-up.  Crozet Trails Crew already has volunteered to staff one spot the whole evening!  Let’s see which group can have the most volunteers!

With your help, we can make this Crozet Independence Day celebration the best ever!

On Saturday, June 29, from about 10 to 10:30 pm (after the fireworks show) BOTH LANES  of Park Road, High Street, and Tabor Street will be ONE-WAY OUT FROM Claudius Crozet Park to Crozet Avenue. Albemarle County Police officers will be directing traffic at the Crozet Avenue/Tabor Street intersection.

Map of the one-way exit from Crozet Park after the Independence Day Fireworks

Map of the one-way exit from Crozet Park after the Independence Day Fireworks

Click here for information about the Crozet Independence Day Celebration.

Donate to Crozet Master Plan Community Survey

The Crozet Board of Trade wants to raise $6,000
to cover the cost of the Crozet Master Plan Community Survey

You can contribute right now, online, by clicking on this link:  Donate to CIDC through Network for Good
Please put “Survey donation” in the Designation box


As you may have read, there is a volunteer committee that consists of Crozet Community Association president Tim Tolson; retired planning commissioner Tom Loach; current planning commissioner Jennie More; White Hall Supervisor Ann Mallek; Tom Guterbock, the director of U.Va’s Center for Survey Research; Shawn Bird, a political polling expert; Crozet Board of Trade president Mike Marshall; and county senior planner Elaine Echols. Other interested Crozet citizens have also attended meetings. This committee has been developing a survey on Crozet growth issues for presentation to the public in May.  The survey is based heavily on a similiar survey done in 2009 before the most recent Crozet Master Plan update

The committee has prepared a scientifically valid survey with neutral questions.  Some 2,000 households inside the Crozet Growth Area and another 1,000 in nearby areas have been scientifically selected to receive asking them to participate in the online survey.  The goal is to get at least 500 households from this random representative sample to respond, with the heavy majority being from inside the growth area.

The same survey will also be available to anyone in the public online or in a paper form published in the Crozet Gazette and also available at Crozet Library. But these responses, while valid and sought after, will be analyzed and reported separately from the scientific sample that receives the letters.

The committee has made diligent efforts to be thrifty about the cost of the effort. The expense, including sample purchase, comes down to less than $2 per invitation for the 3,000 letters and follow-up postcards should the letter not get the needed 500 participants.

The Crozet Board of Trade is undertaking to raise $6,000 to cover the cost of the survey. We believe this information is worth getting. The results will be publicly available.

The Board of Trade is a civic nonprofit that traditionally has raised funds for Crozet’s Independence Day fireworks show. We also raised the funds to create the Crozet Historic District. Your contribution is tax deductible and will be acknowledged.

Won’t you join us by contributing whatever you can afford?    Your contribution is tax-deductible charitable donation. Thank you!

  • You can mail a check payable to: Crozet Board of Trade and send it to: DCA, P.O. Box 261, Crozet, VA 22932.  Please put  “Survey donation” on the memo line.


  • You can contribute right now, online, by clicking on this link:  Donate to CIDC through Network for Good
  • Please put “Survey donation” in the Designation box. (Please note that 3% of your donation is kept by Network for Good as its fee.)
  • Thank you for your generous support!

This is a worthy cause. I hope you will send a contribution.  And thank you for supporting your hometown and believing that our caring can make its future prosperous and bright.

Michael Marshall, President, Crozet Board of Trade
The Crozet Board of Trade is a 501(c)3 charitable organization.

The Crozet Master Plan Survey committee meeting

The Crozet Master Plan Survey committee meeting
Wednesday, April 12, at 7:00 PM
at the Crozet Firehouse

Anyone interested in helping with the Crozet Master Plan survey is invited to attend the next meeting onWednesday, April 12  at 7:00 PM at the Crozet Firehouse (come around the back of the fire station, and enter through the glass doors on the east side).   We will be reviewing the final draft of the new survey based on all the input and feedback received.  The survey’s goal is to find out what the residents of Crozet and surrounding community think about various topics and concerns related to the Crozet master plan and its implementation.

Background: Over six years ago, the Crozet community conducted a community survey to get input on items of concern and interest to Crozet residents to inform the revision of the 2010 Crozet Master Plan revision.   This meeting is part  a similar process for the next revision of the Crozet Master Plan.  Said revision is already over a year over-due and not schedule by the County to occur for another year or two.  The Crozet Community Association (CCA) believes that’s too long to wait for revision, given the pace of development in Crozet.

This is a committee of the Crozet Community Association (CCA).   The results from the survey will be made public.  It will be used to inform the process of master plan revision.  It will also help inform what topics the CCA should focus on when it hosts some town hall meetings about Crozet Master Plan (CMP) revision topics.

Additional background:

Crozet Master Plan Survey committee meeting notes – March 23, 2017

Crozet Master Plan (CMP) Survey Development meeting
March 23, 2017 at 7:00 PM at the Crozet Firehouse

Present: Tom Loach, Tom Guterboch, Jennie More, Bryan Kelly, Shawn Bird, Jim Crosby, Pat Crosby, Tim Tolson, Mike Marshall

Notes by Tim Tolson

Elaine Echols from Albemarle County staff sends her regrets, she cannot make this meeting.

Ann Mallek emailed to say she had another commitment and couldn’t make this meeting.

Tom L. re-capped why we’re doing this survey, to gather opinions about Crozet and growth topics related to master plan in preparation for 2018 when County said it can revise master plan.  Starting with 2009 survey that CCAC and CCA and County did, Tim chaired that effort.   (Click here for the Crozet Gazette article with more background)

This time, we’re very lucky to have two professional survey/pollsters on the committee, Tom Guterbock from UVa Center for Survey Research, and Shawn Bird, most recently with political polling firm in Colorado.

This time we want to do a scientific sample as well as make the survey available to anyone who wants to take it (like we did in 2009).   Mike said businesses in Crozet Board of Trade fundraising to pay for cost of using a scientific sample (postage, letters, envelopes, drawing sample, etc)

Tom G. had done some background work and had first draft of budget for this.  Will be $3,000 to $5,000 depending if use postcards or first class mail (and therefore envelopes, letter, more printing).  We should do “ABS” Address Based Samples”
They can match 90% or so of names to households. The household is the target, not a specific person but helps response rate if we can personalize the letter.

Need to figure out how to tell them that only one person responds to this scientific sample invitation, everyone else in household should go to public version.  Same survey, just keeping the respondents (samples) separate, so will have scientifically representative sample.

Hoping that Elaine can get us Census track/blocks level data to use to draw the sample.  Having that might get sample price down.

Discussed getting couple of quotes for printing/mailing from both Sir Speedy as well as  FEdEx (formerly Kinko’s)

May be ways to lower postage cost.   Jim suggested considering second or third class mail. However that’s also been shown to reduce response rate. First class mail gets more respect and response.

Shawn – We want to make sure the sampling system gets renters. Hardest demographic to get are young adults -18-22 year olds.

Discussion about weighting data for analysis.
Shawn – one demographic most concerned about – is geography – do dispersion of parts of Crozet, but come back from only some areas.
Tom G.  Hard to say, maybe less response from older subdivisions, but they’re also the demographic that often increases response rate.

Usually wait 10-14 days between first invitation and reminder.

Jennie – should build into th budget a third round- of either more sampling and mailing.

Mike – He’ll re-send out fundraising, donation call to Crozet Board of Trade (CBT).

Tom G.  pointed out that current budget is for  postcard, plain color stock, black ink both sides.  Color stock, color inks, etc. cost more.
First class letter might have more impact.

Discussion of timing of release of scientific survey and public survey.

Reviewed questions one-by-one, suggested changes, debated wording to make the questions as neutral, unbiased as possible.   Length of survey is a concern. Really needs to be 20 minutes or less.  Will need to get a few friends to take it after next draft to test how long it takes.

Tom G.  Need to create a jump page from CCA website, that goes to link for survey, and use their 4 digit number to access.     Postcards have same URL – plain english with 4-5 digit unique number.
“Authenticated” login for scientific sample.

Tom L.  How do we decided about the costs/budget?

Tom G.  Well, do we want postcard or letter. Need to  get logos, who signs, who’s contact person, etc.

Mike likes idea of  map in invitation, so that’s a letter.  Also could personalize better this way.

Tom G. & Shawn – Will draft letter. signed by Tim & Tom L.

** TIM **> will contact Elaine about getting census blocks.

Find out cost of printed envelopes, with Crozet logo, CCA return address?

Area to sample outside of Crozet growth areas  – go to Ivy – Toddsbury Store, but how far up Owensville Road, Tillman Road, etc.

**> Need to get estimated number of households from Elaine as part of census block information.

**TIM**> Ask ELAINE _ get list of census geography in growth area.
** TIM **>  And see if she can get total house count within growth area and then in six mile radius, like was used for Crozet Library?

Need to keep moving forward if we’re going to get survey out by early May.
Let’s meet next Thursday then.

Tom L. will check if firehouse available.  Plan on next Thursday, 3/30 at 7:00 PM.
  Next meeting confirmed for Thursday, 3/30 at 7:00 PM at the Field School.

Adjourned 9:30 PM

CCA Meeting Agenda March 9, 2017

Crozet Community Meeting Agenda
March 9, 2017
7:30 PM at the Field School

(Click here for PDF version of the agenda)

Agenda Review / Changes and additions from the floor.
Approval of the CCA’s last meeting’s minutes (January 12, 2017) (Click here for PDF version of the minutes)
A Moment in Crozet History (Phil James)

Presentation: Update on the Albemarle County Budget process, Ann Mallek, White Hall District Supervisor and Peter Lynch, county assessor.
Ann will update citizens on the budget process, decisions made to date, and the rate for advertising, which will be set at the budget meeting on Tuesday March 7.  There will be more public meetings through March and a public hearing in April before the Board sets the tax rate. This will be a great time to share your thoughts on the budget.  Peter Lynch, county assessor,  will talk about the current property  values and the appeal process. Deadline to file an appeal is March 15.

Presentation: Perrone Robotics and Barnes Lumber property use. Greg Scharer, COO, Perrone Robotics; Officer Andy Gluba, Jr., ACPD.

Old Business:

  • Update from the Crozet Master Plan (CMP) survey committee (Tom Loach)
  • Update on the Downtown Crozet Initiative (DCI) committee
  • Volunteer needed to be additional CCA member on the Albemarle County Police Department Blue Ridge District Citizens Advisory Team.

New Business:

Comments or Questions?  

Future Agenda Items?

Announcements –  

  • Crozet Community Advisory Committee (CCAC) meeting Wednesday, March 15 at 7:00 PM at the Crozet Elementary School.  Note venue change. Details and notices on our website.
  • The White Hall Ruritans Third Annual Sugar Hollow Bridges Run, Saturday, March 11 at 8:0 AM. Race Information at
  • The Crozet Lions Club Sixth Annual Pancake Supper and Silent Auction, Saturday, March 18, at 5:00 PM
  • Crozet Board of Trade meeting, Monday, March 20, 7:30 PM at Pro Re Nata Farm Brewery
  • CCA master plan survey committee meeting, March 23, at 7:00 PM at the Crozet Firehouse
  • Phil James, “A Century or so of Crozet History” at the Lodge at Old Trail, Thursday, April 20 at 5:30 PM. RSVP to 434-823-9100 or
  • Others?

The next CCA meeting is May 11, 2017 at 7:30 PM at the Field School

Join our email list by signing up at:
This email list is moderated, so you cannot get spam because only approved email messages are sent out.  Volume is usually 4-6 emails a month, all related to Crozet & Western Albemarle events and concerns.