CCAC Meeting Agenda 8 November 2023

Meeting at the Crozet Library   

Wednesday, November 8, 2023 from 7:00 to 8:30 PM

Click here for PDF (printable) version of the agenda


1. Call to Order, Agenda Review, Introductions (5 minutes; Joe Fore, chair)

2. Approve last meeting’s minutes –  (2 minutes)

3. Scheduled Presentation (65 minutes)
AC44: Transportation and Land Use (60 minutes; Kevin McDermott, Albemarle County Interim Director of Planning, and David Benish, Albemarle County Development Process Manager)
Draft multimodal plan and Activity Center recommendations for the Crozet Development Area and draft updated and consolidated land use designations (no map). Multimodal transportation planning refers to developing a transportation system with options to safely walk, bike, take transit, and drive to access employment, education, Activity Centers, and other opportunities. Land use designations are applied to each property in the County and provide guidance for future recommended uses and the form and scale of development.
Let’s Talk Training Series (5 minutes) – Allison Wrabel, Albemarle County Community Connector

4. Board of Supervisors/Planning Commission Liaison Update (10 minutes)
Supervisor Ann Mallek and Planning Commissioner Lonnie Murray.

5. Community Concerns (10 minutes)

  •  “ . . . a proposed resolution that former CCAC member Tom Loach would like to discuss during the community concerns portion of the meeting, if there is time.


Next Regular Meeting:  January 10, 2024

Meeting Norms:
  • Staff liaisons will be prepared, working with chairs to set agendas and provide necessary information.
  • Committee members will come prepared having read provided materials.
  • We will respect everyone’s time by starting and ending on time. We will work to set and follow agenda topic time allotments.
  • Everyone is responsible for helping to stay on topic. Speak up if you feel like we’re getting off track and need to move an issue to a “parking lot” for possible future discussion.
  • Everyone is encouraged to participate. You may be asked to share what you think, or we may ask for comments from those who haven’t spoken. It is always OK to “pass” when you are asked to share a comment.
  • Listen respectfully, without interrupting. Listen actively and with an ear to understanding others’ views.
  • One person speaks at a time. If you think you will forget an idea or question that comes to mind, write it down.
  • Challenge ideas, not individuals.

The County staff posted this month’s agenda and other information at:

Note: CCAC meets on the 2nd Wednesday of the month

The CCAC’s role and “charter” doc’s are found here:
CCAC Fact Sheet and committee information and roster of members 

CCAC Rules of Procedure:

CCA Meeting Agenda September 14, 2023

Crozet Community Association Meeting Agenda
September 14, 2023 at 7:30 PM
Claudius Crozet Park Community Building
(aka old WPED radio building)

(Click here for PDF version of the agenda)

Please enter Crozet Park through the front gate on Park Road and park on the basketball courts located behind the main facility and near the Community building. Please do not park along Hilltop Street or Indigo Road.

Agenda Review / Changes and additions from the floor.
Approval of the CCA’s last meeting’s minutes (May 11, 2023; click here for PDF version of the minutes)  
Treasurer’s Report (Dues are still just $10 for 2023!)
Albemarle County Police Department (ACPD) may visit and give an update. (Evening Patrol Division)

Discussion:  Crozet Community Orchard Project, inspired by a similar project in Bloomington, Indiana (Matthew Slaats)

Discussion:  Having hanging baskets on light poles along Crozet Avenue in downtown Crozet (Proposal by Muff Biber)

 Update and News from Ann Mallek, our county supervisor

Old Business:

  • Update on possible Architecture School project to create design(s) for old Acme Visible Records
    • The Wilson Group does not want to participate in the study. So the project will postpone the A-School’s involvement in the project until later date.
  • Crozet Independence Day Celebration, Saturday, July 1, 2023!
    • Success!  Everyone reported having a great time and loved having the fireworks back.
    • We did meet the $10,000 challenge, with over 200 people contributing more than $22,000 (without the $10K challenge funds).
    • Next Crozet Independence Day Celebration will be the Saturday before July 4th, which is, June 29, 2024.

New Business:

  • Any?


  • Household Hazardous waste on Friday & Saturday, September 22 & 23 from 9AM to 2PM at IMUC
  • Bulky Waste Amnesty days:
    • Furniture/Mattresses – September 30, 2023; Appliances – October 7, 2023; Tires – October 14, 2023
  • Electronic Waste Collection Day– Saturday, September 21, 2023 from 9 A to 3P at IMUC
  • Public review and input on the plans for the 240/250/680 roundabout.  Two options:
    • Tuesday, September 19 from  5 to 7 pm at the National Guard Armory, 165 Peregory Lane, Charlottesville
    • Thursday, September 21 from 5 to 7 pm at the The Center at Belvedere, 540 Belvedere Blvd, Charlottesville
  • Family Health Forum on How to Prevent Falls – Tuesday, September 26, 3:00–4:30 pm at the Crozet United Methodist Church Fellowship Church, 1156 Crozet Ave., Crozet.
  • Crozet Library 10th Anniversary Celebration – Friday September 29 from 3:00 to 4:30 PM.  There will be treats, activities, and a community art project.
  • Let’s Build a Community Orchard – Saturday, September 30 at Noon at the Crozet Library.  Organizing Meeting.  Help take a lead in helping make this happen.
  • Crozet Arts and Craft Festival, Saturday & Sunday October 7 and 8, 2023 from 10AM to 5:30 on Saturday and 10AM to 5PM on Sunday at the Claudius Crozet Park.
  • Friends of JMRL Book Sale: Saturday, October 7 – Sunday, October 15 from 10AM to 7PM
    at 300 Albemarle Square Shopping Center, Charlottesville (the old Northside Library location)

    • Member’s Pre-Sale: Friday, Oct. 6 from 5-7pm (No Scanners at Pre-Sale (10/6) & Sat 10/7 from 10am-1pm)
    • 1/2 price days: October 14 & 15
  • Introduction to Albemarle County’s Comprehensive Plan update, known as AC44(opens in YouTube)

Future Agenda Items?

 The next CCA meeting is November 9, 2023 at 7:30 PM
at the Crozet Park Community Building (aka old radio building)
Join our email list by signing up at:

This email list is moderated, so you cannot get spam because only approved email messages are sent out.  Volume is usually 1-4 emails a month, all related to Crozet & Western Albemarle events and concerns.

The Crozet Community Association Bylaws

Meet the Candidates: Crozet Town Hall Forum Monday, September 11, 2023 at 7:00 PM The Field School Gymnasium (1408 Crozet Avenue)

The forum is open to all, but parking space at The Field School is limited. Overflow parking will be available across the street in the Crozet Elementary School parking lot.

The forum will be moderated by Dori Zook, award-winning journalist and anchor/reporter for news radio WINA

Question and answer (Q&A) format with the following candidates have agreed to attend:
* Albemarle County Board of Supervisors in the White Hall District two candidates: Ann Mallek and Brad Rykal
* Albemarle County School Board in the White Hall District two candidates: Rebecca Berlin and Joann McDermid
* Albemarle County School Board At-Large two candidates: Meg Bryce and Allison Spillman.

The forum will be filmed and recorded by the Crozet Gazette and posted to their YouTube channel. (Video of the forum is available by clicking here.)

The forum is sponsored by the Crozet Leadership Team:
Cory Farm – Steve Walsworth
Foothill Crossing – Laura Bartlett and Ron Wade
Foxchase – Matthew Watson
Grayrock – Elizabeth Foreman and Troy Lane
Orchard Acres – Tonya Hicks
Park Lane – Kyle Hara and Isaiah Behnke
Stonegate – Joan Fadden
Western Ridge – Kimberly Gale and Kacie Miller
Westlake – Bill O’Malley, Rashmi Ghei, Carol Fairborn

Other details of the forum:

A timekeeper will be in front of the candidates to alert them of their remaining answer time, and there will be an audio setup with microphones for the candidates.

Staging: The candidates will sit at the front of the room facing the audience. The moderator will sit at a table with her back to the audience. Panelists will flank her on either side, as they sort the questions from the audience being careful not to present repetitive questions.

Event management: The moderator will speak to the attendees as the event begins and explain our rules and why they’re important. No reactions from attendees will be allowed, including clapping, shouting, holding signs, or other interruptions. We will have volunteers stationed throughout the room to enforce this policy. We will have an Albemarle County Police officer present in the room.

Questions: The questions asked of candidates will be derived from two sources. One source is the Crozet Leadership Team panelists— each panelist will ask one question per topic, directly to the candidates on topics germane to the role for which the candidates are running. The second will be a mix of questions submitted to the Crozet Leadership team from the Crozet community and questions taken directly from the audience in the room. First priority will be given to the questions submitted by the audience and second priority to the questions submitted in advance.

Format: Each candidate may make a 2-minute opening statement. During the questioning segment, candidates will have 1 minute to respond. Questions will be posed to all candidates, alternating between them as to who answers first. At no point will candidates field questions directly from the audience during the forum, though we do invite them to stay for a bit after the event to mingle with voters if they’d like. With this format we hope to be able get through 8 general topics, If we can keep within our time limits. Each candidate may make a 1-minute closing statement. Topics will be provided to the candidates at least one week prior to the event.

CCAC Meeting Agenda 13 September 2023

Meeting at the Crozet Library   

Wednesday, September 13, 2023 from 7:00 to 8:30 PM

Click here for PDF (printable) version of the agenda

Agenda (as presented at the CCAC meeting on 9/13/2023)

1. Call to Order, Agenda Review, Introductions (5 minutes; Joe Fore, chair)

2. Approve last meeting’s minutes –  (2 minutes)

  • Minutes of August 9, 2023 meeting (not yet available)

3. Community Concerns (10 minutes)

4. Scheduled Presentation (15 minutes)
Matthew Slaats, Crozet Community Orchard Project

6. Board of Supervisors/Planning Commission Liaison Update (15 minute)
Supervisor Ann Mallek and Planning Commissioner Lonnie Murray.

5. Other Committee Business (30 minutes)


Next Regular Meeting:  October 17, 2023  (All-CAC meeting)

Meeting Norms:
  • Staff liaisons will be prepared, working with chairs to set agendas and provide necessary information.
  • Committee members will come prepared having read provided materials.
  • We will respect everyone’s time by starting and ending on time. We will work to set and follow agenda topic time allotments.
  • Everyone is responsible for helping to stay on topic. Speak up if you feel like we’re getting off track and need to move an issue to a “parking lot” for possible future discussion.
  • Everyone is encouraged to participate. You may be asked to share what you think, or we may ask for comments from those who haven’t spoken. It is always OK to “pass” when you are asked to share a comment.
  • Listen respectfully, without interrupting. Listen actively and with an ear to understanding others’ views.
  • One person speaks at a time. If you think you will forget an idea or question that comes to mind, write it down.
  • Challenge ideas, not individuals.

The County staff posted this month’s agenda and other information at:

Note: CCAC meets on the 2nd Wednesday of the month

The CCAC’s role and “charter” doc’s are found here:
CCAC Fact Sheet and committee information and roster of members 

CCAC Rules of Procedure:

CCAC Meeting Agenda 9 August 2023

Meeting at the Crozet Library   

Wednesday, August 9, 2023 from 7:00 to 8:30 PM

Click here for PDF (printable) version of the agenda


1. Call to Order, Agenda Review, Introductions (5 minutes; Joe Fore, chair)

2. Approve last meeting’s minutes –  (2 minutes; Joe Fore, chair)

  • Minutes of June 14, 2023 meeting
  • The July meeting of the CCAC was an all-CAC (Community Advisory Committee) meeting at the Albemarle County office building.  See their agenda here.

3. Scheduled Presentation (35 minutes)
Moving Toward 2050 Long Range Transportation Plan (LRTP) by Sandy Shackelford, Charlottesville-Albemarle Metropolitan Planning Organization
The Charlottesville-Albemarle MPO is in the process of updating the region’s long range transportation plan, Moving Toward 2050. The purpose of this plan is to identify priority transportation needs for the City of Charlottesville and urbanized portions of Albemarle County. CA-MPO staff will review the requirements of the plan and the planning process. A discussion with CAC members about needed transportation improvements will follow. Learn more at the Moving Toward 2050 website.

4. Board of Supervisors/Planning Commission Liaison Update (10 minute)

  • Supervisor Ann Mallek and Planning Commissioner Lonnie Murray.

5. Other Business (20 minutes)

  • Discussion of the Riparian Buffer Overlay District
  • Debrief of July’s All-CAC Town Hall

6. Community Concerns (10 minutes)


Next Regular Meeting:  September 13, 2023 at the Crozet Library

Meeting Norms:
  • Staff liaisons will be prepared, working with chairs to set agendas and provide necessary information.
  • Committee members will come prepared having read provided materials.
  • We will respect everyone’s time by starting and ending on time. We will work to set and follow agenda topic time allotments.
  • Everyone is responsible for helping to stay on topic. Speak up if you feel like we’re getting off track and need to move an issue to a “parking lot” for possible future discussion.
  • Everyone is encouraged to participate. You may be asked to share what you think, or we may ask for comments from those who haven’t spoken. It is always OK to “pass” when you are asked to share a comment.
  • Listen respectfully, without interrupting. Listen actively and with an ear to understanding others’ views.
  • One person speaks at a time. If you think you will forget an idea or question that comes to mind, write it down.
  • Challenge ideas, not individuals.

The County staff posted this month’s agenda and other information at:

Note: CCAC meets on the 2nd Wednesday of the month

The CCAC’s role and “charter” doc’s are found here:
CCAC Fact Sheet and committee information and roster of members 

CCAC Rules of Procedure:

All CAC Meeting Agenda 12 July 2023

Virtual Meeting!

Wednesday, July 12, 2023 from 6:00 to 8:00 PM

Click here for print agenda or go the the County’s CAC webpage


1. Call to Order (CAC chairs)

2. AC44 Open House

Join in to get an update on AC44, the Comprehensive Plan Update project, and visit a variety of virtual “rooms” to learn about the four topics, ask questions, and share your feedback.

The purpose of the Open Houses is to share background information and specific topics for this phase of the Comprehensive Plan Update. These topics are important for coordinating land use and transportation planning – – and how we manage growth in Albemarle County.

Online Questionnaires Are Open Until July 14
Click the links below to share your input on the topics that are important to you:

This agenda is being published to comply with the Virginia Freedom of Information Act, as a quorum of members of the 5th and Avon Community Advisory Committee, the Crozet Community Advisory Committee, the Pantops Community Advisory Committee, the Places29-Hydraulic Community Advisory Committee, the Places29-North Community Advisory Committee, and/or the Places29-Rio Community Advisory Committee may be in attendance.

Next Regular Meeting of the CCAC:  August 9, 2023 at the Crozet Library

The County staff posted this month’s all-CAC agenda and other information at:

Note: CCAC meets on the 2nd Wednesday of the month

The CCAC’s role and “charter” doc’s are found here:
CCAC Fact Sheet and committee information and roster of members 

CCAC Rules of Procedure:

CCAC Meeting Agenda 14 June 2023

Meeting at the Crozet Library   

Wednesday, June 14, 2023 from 7:00 to 8:30 PM

Click here for PDF (printable) version of the agenda


1. Call to Order, Agenda Review, Introductions (5 minutes; Joe Fore, chair)

2. Approve last meeting’s minutes –  (2 minutes; Joe Fore, chair)

3. Meeting Norms and Agenda Structure (5 minutes; Allison Wrabel, Community Connecter [Albemarle County staff])

4. Broadband Focus Group (45 minutes; Jason Inofuentes, Albemarle County’s Broadband Accessibility and Affordability Office program manager)

  • The Albemarle County Broadband Office, in coalition with community partners and organizations, including the City of Charlottesville and the University of Virginia, is working to close the digital divide by preparing a Regional Digital Equity Plan (RDEP). The goal is to assess community needs, identify specific barriers to broadband access and to develop realistic solutions to address these barriers.
  • As part of this effort, the office is seeking to engage community members through focus groups led by County staff. These focus groups will give participants an opportunity to share their experiences with broadband access and discuss ways they would like to be able to utilize broadband access but cannot.

5. Crozet Trails Crew (10 minutes)

6. Board of Supervisors/Planning Commission Liaison Updates (10 minutes; Supervisor Ann Mallek and Planning Commissioner Lonnie Murray) This is time reserved for liaisons to share community announcements and project/policy updates

7. Community Concerns (10 minutes)

8. Other Committee Business  (If time allows)


Next Regular Meeting:  August 9, 2023 at the Crozet Library

Meeting Norms:
  • Staff liaisons will be prepared, working with chairs to set agendas and provide necessary information.
  • Committee members will come prepared having read provided materials.
  • We will respect everyone’s time by starting and ending on time. We will work to set and follow agenda topic time allotments.
  • Everyone is responsible for helping to stay on topic. Speak up if you feel like we’re getting off track and need to move an issue to a “parking lot” for possible future discussion.
  • Everyone is encouraged to participate. You may be asked to share what you think, or we may ask for comments from those who haven’t spoken. It is always OK to “pass” when you are asked to share a comment.
  • Listen respectfully, without interrupting. Listen actively and with an ear to understanding others’ views.
  • One person speaks at a time. If you think you will forget an idea or question that comes to mind, write it down.
  • Challenge ideas, not individuals.

The County staff posted this month’s agenda and other information at:

Note: CCAC meets on the 2nd Wednesday of the month

The CCAC’s role and “charter” doc’s are found here:
CCAC Fact Sheet and committee information and roster of members 

CCAC Rules of Procedure:

CCA Meeting Agenda May 11, 2023

Crozet Community Association Meeting Agenda
May 11, 2023 at 7:30 PM
Claudius Crozet Park Community Building
(aka old WPED radio building)

(Click here for PDF version of the agenda)

Please enter Crozet Park through the front gate on Park Road and park on the basketball courts located behind the main facility and near the Community building. Please do not park along Hilltop Street or Indigo Road.

Agenda Review / Changes and additions from the floor.
Approval of the CCA’s last meeting’s minutes (January 12, 2023; click here for PDF version of the minutes)   The March 9, 2023 meeting was not held because no one attended.
Treasurer’s Report (Dues are still just $10 for 2023!)
Albemarle County Police Department (ACPD) may visit and give an update. (Evening Patrol Division)

PresentationCharlottesville Free Clinic: An open door to health care (Susan Sherman, the Executive Director of the Charlottesville Free Clinic)

 Update and News from Ann Mallek, our county supervisor

Old Business:

  • Update on possible Architecture School project to create design(s) for old Acme Visible Records
  • Crozet Independence Day Celebration, Saturday, July 1, 2023!
    • Planning has started, deposit on fireworks made! Event will be at Crozet Park this year.
    • Volunteers needed to help with planning and putting on the event.
    • Donations for fireworks –

New Business:

  • Any?


Future Agenda Items?

 The next CCA meeting is September 14, 2023 at 7:30 PM
at the Crozet Park Community Building (aka old radio building)
Join our email list by signing up at:

This email list is moderated, so you cannot get spam because only approved email messages are sent out.  Volume is usually 1-4 emails a month, all related to Crozet & Western Albemarle events and concerns.

The Crozet Community Association Bylaws

CCAC Meeting Agenda 10 May 2023

Meeting at the Crozet Library   

Wednesday, May 10, 2023 from 7:00 to 8:30 PM

Click here for PDF (printable) version of the agenda


1. Call to Order, Agenda Review, Introductions (5 minutes; Joe Fore, chair)
Video of the May 10, 2023 meeting of the CCAC, courtesy of the Crozet Gazette.

2. Approve last meeting’s minutes –  (2 minutes; Joe Fore, chair)

3. Announcements and Updates (5 minutes)

4. Community Concerns (10 minutes)

5. Scheduled Presentations (30 minutes)

6. Committee Business  (30 minutes)

  • New member introductions
  • Officer elections
  • Debrief Oak Bluff community meeting
  • Community meeting procedures
  • Development project tracking
  • Summer meeting schedule and topics

7. Other Business

8. Adjourn

The County staff posted this month’s agenda and other information at:

Next Regular Meeting:  June 14, 2023 at the Crozet Library

Note: CCAC meets on the 2nd Wednesday of the month

The CCAC’s role and “charter” doc’s are found here:
CCAC Fact Sheet and committee information and roster of members 

CCAC Rules of Procedure: