Pies from Mountainside

Pies for Thanksgiving!

If you haven't heard, Chef Meredith and Pastry Chef Valat at Mountainside Senior Living in Crozet have been busy whipping up some of Val's famous desserts.  This is your chance to see what all the buzz is about…

Order PIes for Thanksgiving from Mountainside Senior LivingSome of our residents have to make hard choices every month.  Like whether to buy their heart medicine or their diabetes medicine.  Thanksgiving is about a lot of things.  But the most important thing is giving. This year why not give and receive!  We'll do the baking and all the money earned goes to help pay the pharmaceutical bills of our residents.  Help us help them.  Don't make them choose.  

You're only choice this season is which pie you are bringing to Thanksgiving dinner!  Order your completely home made pies now and pick up between November 19th and November 26th, just in time for Thanksgiving.  They're selling quick and they are delicious!  Click here for pie details..
Call 434-823-4307 to place your order today!

Crozet Avenue Streetscape Completion Celebration

Crozet Avenue Streetscape Completion Celebration!

Albemarle County cordially invites you to join County Supervisor Ann Mallek and County Executive Tom Foley along with project team members in celebrating the completion of the Crozet Streetscape Project.

Now that the Crozet Streetscape project is completed, residents and visitors will enjoy the visually enhanced entryway and main thoroughfare, as well as improved pedestrian connectivity within downtown Crozet. Business owners will enjoy increased vitality, as people can easily walk between shops. The streetscape balances the needs of pedestrians, bicyclists, and motorists.

Please come help us celebrate this exciting achievement!

DATE: Thursday, November 20, 2014
TIME: 12:00 pm
LOCATION: Gather at the Mudhouse, 5793 The Square, Crozet
12:15  – Walking tour
12:30 – Program commences in front of new Crozet Library.

Continue reading

CCAC Meeting November 19, 2014


The Crozet Library Community Room Crozet (2020 Library Avenue)
Wednesday, November 19, 2014 from 7:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m. 
NOTE the new day and location!


1. Agenda Review. (Meg Holden – CCAC chair)

2. Approval of Minutes

3. Project Updates/Information:

  • Introduce Emily Kilroy and new CCAC members
  • Streetscape updates/issues and celebration, safe walks to school, Harris Teeter Crossing
  • Update on Barnes lumber closing – Frank Stoner
  • Discussion of CDC presentation and brainstorm development issues 
and ideas per email I sent earlier from Dave Stoner
  • Wind energy business update and overview – Rich Pleasants

4. Items not listed on the agenda 

5. Announcements.

6. Future Agenda Items.


Dave Stoner Letter
Email – November  2014

Meg –
As discussed, I wanted to suggest several agenda items for discussion at the next, or next several, CCAC meetings:
    1.    Crozet Vision – I think we should work to create a specific, written vision for what we want Crozet to become.  This could answer questions like what specific kinds of businesses do we want to grow, what are key aspects we want in any redevelopment, what DON'T we want or think is not realistic in any redevelopment, etc.  I know some of this is covered in the Master Plan, but much isn't.  I view the Master Plan as more rules or guidelines for development – not defining what we actually want that development to be.
    2.    Development Study – I think we should find the funds and scope out what I am calling a Development Study – to help determine whether that vision is realistic, or if not, what are the specific impediments to achieving it, what can be done to overcome them, and what do we need to do to implement that vision.  This might answer questions like:  How much commercial space is really needed?  What does the county need to do to attract the kinds of businesses we want (tax breaks, infrastructure funding, other incentives, etc)?  How do we do that and still be fair to/support existing businesses?  What are the economics of the overall Barnes redevelopment?  Given those economics, what kinds and numbers of businesses can we realistically attract?   What level of public $ support is needed to make it happen (to help answer questions like proffers and where should the roads, RR underpass, parking etc fit in terms of future County funding)?  What are the specific pros/cons of relaxing the first floor restriction on residential and/or allowing single family?  I think if we could find $25-75k (County funds, grants, or developers) there's lots of productive work a development consultant could do or help us with here.  The results of this might help justify further infrastructure funding from, or creation of incentives by the County, and bridge some of the gaps in thinking between Milestone and CCAC.
    3.    Economic Development Effort – Crozet could benefit from a more proactive economic development effort, vs. what we have now – which I am not sure what that is.  Things like:  actively recruiting businesses we want;  creating marketing materials for Crozet; working to win businesses vs them going to rte 250 or Old Trail or elsewhere;  pushing the County to create real incentives, etc.  Not a "we want any development approach" but one that seeks to implement some of the things identified in our Vision or by the Development Study.
    4.    Master Plan Update – I am thinking the Master Plan will be up for review next year, yes?  What changes if any are needed and how will that get done?
    5.    Implementation Plan – Work toward rolling all of the above together into a proactive implementation plan for creating what we have envisioned.  Again, I view the Master Plan as the template and guidelines.  This implementation plan would be more of a plan to guide our/the County's/the developers efforts, to make what we want to happen – actually happen.
    6.    Organization – This follows on to your efforts at considering a Community Development Corporation as a potential vehicle for our efforts.  Is having a private developer develop, and the County and CCAC react to that, the best way to make things happen here?  Is a CDC or other public-private partnerships a more effective means of achieving what we want?  If so, should the CCAC assume that role, or be responsible for managing that or another entity?
I know there's a lot here, and all of the above tends to being a bit more pro-active and involved approach than maybe the CCAC has taken in the past – I'm not sure.  Are CCAC members desiring/willing to tackle some of these and take this approach?  I also recognize the County and County staff's role in all of this…I am not suggesting CCAC goes it alone and doesn't use the County resources available.  Maybe instead just a way to holler a bit louder to get more of those resources devoted to us (or go find our own) since we are a designated growth area and a pretty special one at that.

I know Milestone wanted to give an update at our next meeting, and wasn't sure what you had in mind as a specific agenda.  But I would be happy to prepare further information as needed to lead a discussion on any/all of the above.  Let's touch base on this prior to our meeting in 2 weeks.

David A. Stoner
Stoner Power Consulting, LLC
6858 Rockfish Gap Turnpike
Greenwood, VA 22943

Ann Mallek’s Town Hall meetings.

Ann Mallek's Town Hall meetings in November.

Our county supervisor, Ann Mallek has scheduled a series of town hall meetings in November on the county’s five-year plan, its process and other topics of interest.  The plan combines schools, general government and capital improvements into a financial plan and framework used for annual county budgets.

The preliminary five-year financial plan currently projects an $8.1 million gap between projected revenues and identified "catching up" and "keeping up" expenditures for local government and schools for the next fiscal year. That gap that would increase to a $26 million gap by fiscal year 2020. Supervisors are conducting town hall meetings during November and early December to get public feedback about strategies for filling the projected gap, which could range from eliminating services and scaling back expectations to adjusting the tax rate or considering special tax districts.

The meetings date, time, and locations are:

  • Tuesday, November 18 from 7:00  to 9:00 PM at Henley Middle School with Supervisor Liz Palmer;
  • Thursday, November 20 from 7:00  to 9:00 PM at Broadus Wood Elementary School with Supervisor Brad Sheffield;
  • Saturday, November 22, from 10 AM to noon at the White Hall Community Center.

Plan to attend one of these meetings to hear about the plan and provide your feedback and thoughts.

November 13 CCA meeting postponed to December 11, 2014

Crozet Community Association (CCA)
on Thursday, November 13 is postponed.

We're  postponing our regular meeting on the second Thursday of odd-numbered months that would have happened this Thursday, Nov. 13 at 7:30 PM.  The next CCA meeting will be Thursday, December 11th at 7:30PM at the Field School.

We're postponing because most of our presenters are planning to attend the Crozet Library Soirée on Thursday, November 13 at 7PM (and so are we!).

CCA meetings are at 7:30 PM on the second Thursday of the odd numbered months (except July).
Join our email list, by clicking on the "Contact Us" link on the top of this page. 
This email list is moderated, so you cannot get spam because only approved email messages are sent out.  Volume is usually 4-6 emails a month, all related to Crozet & Western Albemarle events and concerns.

Crozet Library Soirée

Come hear about Crozet's namesake, Claudius Crozet, Thursday, November 13 at 7:00 PM at the Crozet Library.

Col. Dooley will review Claudius Crozet's life and career, with special emphasis on his work at the United States Military Academy at West Point and his role in founding the Virginia Military Institute. Col. Dooley is the co-author of "Claudius Crozet: French Engineer in America, 1790-1864"

One of the series of talks, dubbed the Crozet Soirée, at the Crozet Library.  It is free and everyone is invited to attend.

Additional information on the Crozet Library's website at: http://www.jmrl.org/br-crozet.htm

Crozet Community Orchestra Fall Concert

Crozet Community Orchestra Fall Concert, Sunday, November 16 from 6:00 to 7:30 PM
at the Crozet Baptist Church,  5804 St George Ave, Crozet. 

This is a free concert performed by local musicians.

The Fall Concert will feature a Suite from Georges Bizet’s opera “Carmen”, a Suite of English Folk Songs arranged by Ralph Vaughn Williams, and a Fantasia on “Greensleeves”, also by Vaughn Williams.  For a special treat we will be joined by harpist Virginia Schweninger.

All are welcome!

Follow the Crozet Community Orchestra on Facebook by clicking here!

CCAC Meeting October 15, 2014 CANCELLED

The Crozet Community Advisory Council (CCAC) has cancelled its regularly scheduled monthly meeting tomorrow, Wednesday, October 15, 2014

The next CCAC meeting will be Wednesday November 19th at 7PM at the Crozet Library.

Items of interest

The Rivanna Solid Waste Authority (RWSA) has announced the dates of the fall Amnesty Days at the Ivy Material Utilization Center (IMUC).

  • Household Hazardous Waste Special Collection is Friday, October 10, 2014 from 2pm – 6pm and Saturday, October 11, 2014 from 9am – 2pm. For information on what items are accepted for this event, click here.
  • Commercial hazardous waste collection day is Friday, October 10, 2014 from 10:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m. This special collection is only open to qualifying businesses and commercial establishments and not households. Click here for details.
  • Furniture/Mattresses  collection on Saturday, October 18, 2014
  • Appliances on Saturday, October 25, 2014
  • Tires on Saturday, November 1, 2014

On October 26 from 3:00 to 7:00 pm Old Trail is having a Fall Festival at the Village Center with many activities and they will be selling food as well as wine and beer. All proceeds from the sale of beer and wine will benefit the Build Crozet Library Fund.

► Through October 28th, when you shop using Harris Teeter's Express Lane, your school will earn 10% of the order total! There is no limit to the number of times your school can utilize this offer, so bring in as many Express Lane orders as you can, while the promotion lasts! There is no better time than now to spread the word and get as many people linked to your school as possible to maximize the amount your school can earn through this limited time promotion.  Use this link for hooking your VIC card up to your favorite local school  http://www.harristeeter.com/community/together_in_education/link_to_your_school.aspx

► The Claudius Crozet Park Survey results are available at: http://www.crozetpark.org/2014-survey-results/

► Get the correct information about ambulance billing and EMS Cost Recovery in Albemarle County.  Visit http://www.albemarle.org/emscostrecovery or call 434-296-5833. Key Fact: No one will ever be denied treatment or transport based on their ability to pay.

► Virginia Broadband (Internet access) survey results are available at: http://www.albemarle.org/navpages.asp?info=release&ID=17033

Special CCAC meeting October 2, 2014

Crozet Community Advisory Council (CCAC) special meeting on Thursday, October 2nd at 7PM at the Field School.


The CCAC is hosting a meeting with Nate Cunningham, who comes to share his knowledge of Community Development Corporations (CDC), tomorrow, Thursday night, October 2 at 7:00 PM at the Field School (1408 Crozet Avenue; across from Crozet Elementary)

 Developer Frank Stoner (Milestone Group; Barnes Lumber property development proposal) and Board of Supervisor representative Ann Mallek invited him to come speak to the CCAC and community in connection with ideas for developing the Barnes Lumber property, such as a public-private non-profit development corporation. 

Nate Cunningham is the director of real estate development for the East Liberty Development, Inc. in Pittsburgh, PA.   One article about their work is here: http://www.bizjournals.com/pittsburgh/print-edition/2011/09/09/developers-plan-project-east-liberty.html