Vacancies on the CCAC

Ann Mallek, our supervisor, announced there are vacancies on the two Albemarle County boards to represent White Hall district. 
Social Services Board: Two vacancies, One for Rio District and one for White Hall District. This is an advisory board that monitors the formulation and implementation of social welfare programs in the county and advises the director on program and policy matters.      UPDATE March 10, 2014 – ALL POSITIONS ARE FILLED

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New rash of vehicle break-ins

Captian Greg Jenkins, Albemarle County Police Department's Blue Ridge District Commander (western albemarle is in the ACPD Blue Ridge district) emailed to say, "we have experienced another rash of vehicle break-ins during the past week. Last week the suspects hit the east side of the county, Sunday into Monday morning they hit the south side of the county and again last night the eastside and north side. " Click here for a copy of the press release sent out today. 

"We ask that everyone be diligent in locking their vehicles or remove all valuables and to please call the police if they hear car alarms going off and see suspicious people in their neighborhoods late at night."
"We are taking proactive measures in an attempt to apprehend these suspect(s) by conducting plains clothes operations, unmarked vehicle patrols and foot patrols."

The CCA suggests you contact the Crozet Safety Corps about getting your neighborhoold involved in this important crime prevention and emergency preparedness group.


Update on funny looking water

The Albemarle County Service Authority has released an update on the funny looking water, which is posted below and available to download as a PDF by clicking here.  Customers are urged that if they have further questions or concerns about the water, to call Tim Brown at 977-4511, extension 119 during normal business hours OR to call the 24-hour emergency number of 1-888-252-3468.

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Ann Mallek’s Town Hall Meetings

White Hall district supervisor, Ann Mallek, will host her twelfth series of town halls for residents of the White Hall district in February and March. There are many issues before the Board of Supervisors in need of citizen input: solid waste, court expansion, the budget, transit, natural resource protection, plus many others.
Due to the size of the district, three meetings will be held. Citizens are welcome to attend any which suit their schedule.

• Tuesday, February 25th at 7:00 pm at the new Crozet Library

• Wednesday, February 26th at 7:00 pm 
                        following the Earlysville Area Residents’ League meeting
                        at the Earlysville Volunteer Fire Company

• Saturday,  March 8th at 10:00 am  at the White Hall community building.

Crozet Community Advisory Council meeting 2014 February 20


The Meadows Community Center, Crozet (5735 Meadows Dr.)
Thursday, February 20, 2014 from 7:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m.


1. Agenda Review. (Meg Holden – CCAC chair)

2. Approval of Minutes from January 16, 2014 meeting.

3. Project Updates/Information:
     * Library updates – Bill Schrader.
     * CCAC officers and mebership renewals.
     * Streetscape issues including how we can support local businesses during this time.
     * Acme Visible Records – have reached out to firm ahd hope for visit or update.
          – Note: (Information from the November 18 meeting regarding the environmental remediation and building removals at old Acme Visible Records plant  (now the Wilson Jones property) are on the Crozet Community Association website (
     * Mint Springs – closed during snow – Tim Tolson.
     * Update and of discussion of Downtown development (Barnes Lumber Property)

4. News concerning area schools which affects development area.

5. Future meeting date and place – Bill Schrader.

6. Items not listed on the agenda

7. Announcements.
     * Fourth Annual Swing Dance fundraiser on Saturday, March 29.

8. Future Agenda Items.

Prepare for the coming winter weather NOW!

A message from Kirby Felts, Albemarle County's Emergency Management Coordinator:

Our area is likely to experience winter weather Wednesday evening into Thursday, and people should take actions now to be ready for possible power outages and challenging road conditions. The forecast includes possible 8 to 14 inches of accumulating heavy, wet snow. With these types of conditions we encourage all citizens to gather and update emergency supplies and pay close attention to weather forecast.  We suggest citizens stay home and travel only when necessary. If you have medical needs that require electricity, double check your backup plans to make sure you are safe at home. Follow these safety tips for winter weather:

Be prepared at Home

Heavy snowfall and ice can isolate you in your home, sometimes for long periods of time. Your primary concerns are the potential loss of heat, power, phone, and a shortage of supplies if the storm conditions continue for more than a day. Here are some tips to help out at home during severe winter weather
Have supplies at home to take care of yourself and your family for at least three days.
A three-day supply of food includes a gallon of water per person per day and food that does not require electricity to prepare it.
A battery powered and/or hand-crank radio and extra batteries will provide emergency information.  Be sure to listen to local stations for weather and emergency information.
Have flashlights and extra batteries on hand.  Don’t use candles when the power is out.
Stay inside where it is warm and dry.
If there is no heat, close off unneeded rooms, stuff towels, rags or extra clothes in cracks under doors, and cover windows at night to reduce heat loss.
Wear layers of loose-fitting, light-weight, warm clothing. Remove layers as needed to avoid overheating, perspiration, and subsequent chill.
Get more details and an emergency supply checklist at or on the Ready Virginia mobile app.

Be prepared on the Road

Roads can become very hazardous very quickly.  Only travel if absolutely necessary, and if you do be prepared.
Plan your trip and know road conditions before you leave.  Road condition information is available 24/7 by calling 511 or going to  
Put emergency supplies in your car.  Use an old backpack or small container.  If you become stranded, you will need water and non-perishable food; blankets, hats and mittens; a flashlight and extra batteries; and a whistle to blow to get attention.  Other items to include are an ice scraper, can of deicer spray, jumper cables and road flares or a bright LED light that attaches to the vehicle, a bright colored cloth to use as a flag, hand wipes and paper towels, and a small first aid kit.  Add a bag of kitty litter or sand for extra weight in your vehicle and also to use for traction in case you get stuck.
Keep your gas tank full. This provides extra weight for traction and helps prevent ice from forming in your fuel line.
Even after roads have been treated with salt and/or sand, drivers should reduce speed and keep a safe driving distance from other vehicles on the road.
Driving is most dangerous when the temperature is at or under 32° F.  If the road is wet, ice is likely, especially on bridges, ramps and overpasses.
If you get stuck, stay in your car. The Virginia Department of Transportation recommends running the car engine for heat for 10 minutes and then turning off the engine for 20 minutes.

Emergency heat

If you use space heaters, plug them directly into wall sockets – don’t use extension cords.  Keep space heaters at least three feet from furniture, bedding and draperies.  Don’t leave space heaters unattended, and turn them off when you go to bed or leave your home.
Generators should always be run outside, in well-ventilated areas.  Follow manufacturer’s directions exactly. Get to fresh air immediately if you start to feel sick, weak or dizzy.
Kerosene and propane heaters can cause fires if left unsupervised.  If you use one, use only the recommended fuel.  Always refuel outdoors safely away from your home.
Have your fireplace and wood stove chimneys inspected and cleaned.  These often build up creosote, which is the residue left behind by burning wood.  Creosote is flammable and must be professionally removed.


BOS hearing on Proposed Tabor St. Detour for Streetscape

The Albemarle County Board of Supervisors will be considering a request for a complete closure of Tabor Street to traffic between Crozet Avenue and High Street for approximately fifteen (15) days to allow for road widening and the installation of stormwater facilities as part of the streetscape construction project. As proposed in the request, the road will be closed to through traffic but access to private property will be maintained from High Street during the closure. A map of the proposed Tabor Street closing and detour route is below.  The county staff recommendation for closing Tabor Street is available here, and the letter from VDOT approving and stipulating the conditions of the closing is available here.

The request is on the Board's consent agenda for action at the Wednesday, February 12th meeting.
At this point the anticipated closing dates are February 24, 2014 until March 14, 2014, weather permitting.

  • If you wish to speak at the 6:00 PM Wednesday, February 12th Board of Supervisors meeting, you need to sign-up at the meeting to speak.
  • Or you can email the Board of Supervisors at and/or email our supervisor, Ann Mallek, at:

Complete closure of the road will speed up the proposed Tabor Street improvements and will result in a safer construction work zone.
If the complete closure does not occur, construction will proceed with a partial closure, meaning that the Tabor Street improvements could take as much as five (5) weeks to complete due to the constrained conditions, restricted work hours, and flagmen requirements.

The Virginia Department of Transportation (VDOT) has granted permission for this detour with specific restrictions and requirements:

  • Tabor Street may be closed and the detour used only on weekdays between the hours of 8:00 AM and 4:30 PM, excluding holidays.
  • The existing gravel surface of the detour route through the lumber yard must be graded and additional stone added as necessary to provide a drivable surface acceptable to VDOT and maintained in that condition for the duration of the detour.
  • Detour signage will be provided as directed by VDOT.

The road closure has been coordinated with the public school bus routing managers. VDOT has determined that the only viable detour route is via High Street, through the lumber yard, and connected to the newly constructed Library Avenue. A copy of that route is available below.

Further information will be provided on the website and via our other outreach methods immediately after the Board provides direction regarding the closure request.

You can visit the Albemarle County website – regularly to stay informed on the status of the project.

Proposed Tabor Street Detour


Crozet Streetscape Project Update

Albemarle County is pleased to present an update on the progress of the Crozet Streetscape Project as of January 31, 2014. Relocation of the utilities, including removing poles from Crozet Avenue, is  now 100% complete in a critical first step of the project. The County has issued a Notice to Proceed to the project contractor, Linco, with an anticipated substantial completion date of October 2014. The Contractor should be on the ground in February, with noticeable work beginning in mid to late February. The County will announce the date of the ground breaking of construction and other key milestones as soon as they are available. Please keep track of the latest developments with the Crozet Streetscape via one or more of the following methods:

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The next CCA meeting is scheduled for Thursday, September 12, 2024 at the Crozet Park community building.  Everyone is welcome to attend and you are encouraged to bring your neighbor, your friend and your co-worker.  Your voice is important in shaping Crozet’s future.  Join us.

Our last CCA meeting was May 9, 2024.  The main presentation was an update on the Barnes Lumber redevelopment plans.  Past meeting minutes are posted under “Meeting Minutes” heading.

Our mail address is:  P.O. Box 653, Crozet, VA 22932

Get your magnetic Crozet emblem today!

Friend us on Facebook

The next Crozet Community Advisory Committee (CCAC) meeting is scheduled for Wednesday, August 14, 2024 at 7:00 PM at the Crozet Library!

AC44 is a website about Albemarle County’s Comprehensive Plan update, AC44.

Crozet Community Advisory Council meeting 2014 January 16


The Meadows Community Center, Crozet (5735 Meadows Dr.)
Thursday, January 16, 2014 from 7:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m.


1. Agenda Review. (Meg Holden – CCAC chair)

2. Approval of Minutes from November 21 and December 19, 2013 meetings.

3. Project Updates/Information:
     * Library fundraising update – Bill Schrader.
     * News on library hours.
     * Streetscape update
     * Follow up on Crozet Downtown project  (Frank Stoner’s project on the Barnes Lumber Property)

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