Crozet Avenue Lane Closure


Due to the progress of the new Crozet Library construction, Crozet residents should be aware of an upcoming traffic interruption beginning Monday, August 27, 2012.  Beginning on Monday, August 27, one lane of Crozet Avenue will be closed at a time between Jarman’s Gap Road and Library Avenue to accommodate installation of a water line and stormwater sewer beneath the roadway.  Drivers should expect delays in this area between the hours of 7:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m.  Water and sewer services should not be impacted.  Preparatory work for the water line construction will begin next week.

The storm sewer work will resume on September 20 or so, and take about another week (until 9/28) to complete.  The work is taking much longer than predicted because a fiber line was discovered that was not marked and not  shown on plans, so work has to proceed slowly to not damage the line.

Questions or concerns, Please contact Ms. Lee Catlin
Assistant to the County Executive for Community and Business Partnerships
(434)296-5841, ext. 3425, office


Updates on Crozet Projects

Crozet Projects Update

Trevor Henry, Albemarle County Director of Facilities Development, provided a PDF document of updates on Crozet projects at the August 16, 2012 meeting of the Crozet Community Advisory Council and emailed updates for that document to the CCA on September 13, 2012.

Below is a text version and the full PDF is available by clicking here:

Library Building:
  * Groundbreaking Ceremony Held June 26, 2012   
  * Construction Underway
  * Site cleared
  * First Level excavation complete
  * First level foundations and retaining wall nearing completion   
  * Anticipate 12 months construction

  * Storm pipe installation in Crozet Ave – Approximate start date 8/22 (one lane closure at a time, up to two weeks to complete).
    – Some storm sewer work late this week (around 9/20) through 9/28.
    – The extended time is a result of discovering a fiber line that was not on the plans or marked.  
     (Map and details on this website below this posting)

  * Occasional work on frontage area that encroaches into Crozet Ave – into Fall   
  * Occasional noise, but generally reasonable level

Storm water Management Project:
  * Major earthwork and initial wetland seeding complete
  * Additional seeding and soil stabilization in progress now
  * Project delay due to pre-fabricated bridge components; 3 bridges are installed across channel.
  * Final plantings , project completion: this Fall 2012

“Streetscape”  Project:  
  *  “Library  Avenue  (formerly called Main Street) and Alley Improvements”
     – This phase of the project is complete with exception of acceptance into the state.  As-builts have been submitted to VDOT & ACSA
  *  Utility Relocation
     – All Utility easements have been obtained. CenturyLink completed their plan update and estimate.    
         Dominion Virginia Power’s (DVP) plan revisions are in  progress.
         DVP  and   CenturyLink are revising their plans,
         Due to an alignment change generated by the Claudius Center site plan, both DVP and CenturyLink have to adjust their plans.
         DVP has completed their revised plan and cost estimates and CenturyLink should finish by end of September.
         The Claudius Center Developer is responsible to provide the DVP and CenturyLink easements needed.
     – Utility Critical Path for Streetscape:
       – DVP updates plans & cost for the relocation agreement; County issue a NTP
       – CenturyLink updates plans & cost for relocation; County issue NTP
     – Send DVP plans to Comcast so they can update their relocation estimate
     – Anticipate Notice to Proceed (NTP) issued by end of September and work started in Sept, with relocation to commence within 30 days of NTP.

  * Crozet Ave design – Remaining right-of-way/easement dedications:
     – Three properties still outstanding for completion of acquiring all easements, one is with property owner for signature. The second is tied to negotiating a shared access agreement between two adjacent property owners.This is critical path on the project and county staff are working to resolve final issues to achieve acceptance of the shared entrance agreement and signature of easements. The parties have agreed in principle to establishing an escrow for maintenance and are in the process of determining a reasonable amount for annual escrow payment, which appears to be the last issue. Once resolved the agreement will be revised a final draft reviewed by the parties.
     – The Design Consultant is in the process of finalizing the construction plans. We expect a final plan by mid-September.

Over all Milestone Schedule:
     – Utility relocation complete – Sept
     – Acquisition of remaining easements (3) – Sept/Oct
     – Submission of Plans/Specs to VDOT for final approval – Oct      
     – Revisions/Updates – Oct/Nov
     – Advertise – December
     – Negotiations/Award to lowest Bidder – First Quarter 2013

Crozet  North  Sidewalk  – Safe  Routes  to  School”  Project:
  *  Project will provide a “Cross  Alert” pedestrian crossing at Crozet Elementary School and  
      new curb and sidewalk on west side of Rte 810 to Ballard Drive.
      The plan has been revised to incorporate comments from impacted property owner.
      The right-of-way & temporary construction easement changes are being made to the Plat.
      Other plan revisions to address VDOT comments are in progress. A fall advertisement is planned.

  * CSX Parcel:
    – Property transfer to the County has been completed.

  * Crozet Plaza:
    – No changes since the last update.

PDF version available by clicking here.




Crozet Culinary Competition for Charity

The Crozet Culinary Competition for Charity is tonight, September 20, from 5:30 PM to 7:30 PM at the Lodge at Old Trail.

And you're in luck, there's a few tickets left.  You can get them at Parkway Pharmacy, the four competing restaurants, Over the Moon Bookstore OR at the door tonight.

Tickets are $20, $15 of which is a donation split between the Build Crozet Library fundraising
and the Claudius Crozet Park to replace the pavilion destroyed in June's derecho.
Families are welcome and children under 13 are admitted free! 

Checks should be made payable to the Claudius Crozet Park, Inc., with "chef competition" in the memo line.

We can only take cash or checks for tickets or to pay for any silent auction items won, so bring that checkbook along with you.

The ticket price also includes a drink and hors d'oeuvres. There'll be wine from seven local vineyards and beer from two local breweries, and a silent auction featuring items from several local artists.

The main event is a culinary competition among four Crozet chefs from four local restaurants –

  • Bangkok '99.  (Pat and Eddie Keomahathai)
  • da Luca Cafe and Wine Bar (Josh Nader)
  • FarDowners  (Mark Cosgrove)  
  • Southern Way Cafe (Jason Fitzgerald)

Each chef will have an hour to create the best entree and dessert from a list of predetermined ingredients, plus three mystery ingredients revealed at the start of the evening.  There will be four judges, one of whom will be picked randomly from ticket holders at the start of the event!

Contact the Lodge at Old Trail at 434-823-9100 or email or
visit this website:

The event is sponsored by the Lodge at Old Trail, the Crozet Community Association, the Crozet Lions, the White Hall Ruritans, Claudius Crozet Park, and the Build Crozet Library fundraising committee, as well as generous donations from these vineyards: King Family, Stinson, Pollak, White Hall, Glass House, Mountfair, Well Hung, and these breweries: Blue Mountain and Starr Hill.

To wet your appetitie, here's a Meg West painting to being auctioned tonight at the First Crozet Culinary Competition for Charity.  A fundraiser for the Crozet Library and Claudius  Crozet Park, Inc.

Meg West Painting - Bales and King Looking at King's Family Vineyard, by Meg West

Update on lumberyard

Jim Duncan, over at posted a picture of a chain going up across the lumberyard entrance at High Street.

Here's what I learned, from Ann Mallek, our supervisor:
"Here is what I know. The land was purchased by the bank at the auctiion. It is still for sale and various people are interested.
When buyers were picking up their purchased equipment after the auction, others were seen dumping trash and appliances… therefore the chain to get control of the property.

I have asked that room be created to allow people to turn around on High street.
More when I have it."


Sept 13, 2012 CCA Meeting Agenda

Crozet Community Association (CCA) Meeting

Tentative Agenda
September 13, 2012 at 7:30 PM
At the Field School, Crozet Avenue

Click here to download the PDF Version

Agenda Review / Changes and additions from the floor.
Approval of last meeting's minutes (May 10, 2012)
Treasurer's Report (Emery Taylor) Annual family dues are $10, payable tonight
A Moment in Crozet History (Phil James)

Presentation of Good Neighbor Awards to:

      1. Tom Loach
      2. Scott Baker

Update and Report on the Crozet Trails Crew (CTC) Crozet Trails Day on Sunday, October 21st.  (; Jessica Mauzy)

Updates and News from our supervisor, Ann Mallek

Old Business:

  • Update on the Build Crozet Library fundraising (; Bill Schrader)
  • Report on Crozet Independence Day Celebration June 30.  (Mike Marshall)
  • Update on Crozet Historic District application process. (Mike Marshall)
  • Update on Claudius Crozet Park including Grand opening of the pool dome, child care, skateboard trail, Work Day, and of course Arts & Crafts Festival (Jo Ann Perkins)
  • CCA Website has new domain name!   AND email address;
  • Other items?

New Business:

  • The First Annual Crozet Culinary Competition for Charity on Thursday, September 20, 5:30 to 7:30 PM at the Lodge at Old Trail.   Volunteers are needed to help staff the event.  This is a fundraiser for the new Crozet/Western Albemarle Library and Claudius Crozet Park pavilion replacement fund.  (need to raise $20K in addition to augment insurance funds).
  • There are vacancies on several Albemarle County Boards and Commissions, several of which are specifically for White Hall District residents.  YOU  are encourage to apply. The more Crozet residents are involved and participating in the County-wide boards and commissions the more our voice will be heard and our needs taken into account.   You can view the list of vacancies at:  And you can apply on-line   at <>
  • Other items?

Comments and Questions?

Announcements –

  • Crozet Community Advisory Council meeting next WEDNESDAY, September 19 at 7:00 PM at The Meadows.    Note date change is just this once.  Everyone is encouraged to attend.
  • The First Annual Crozet Culinary Competition for Charity on Thursday, September 20, 5:30 to 7:30 PM at the Lodge at Old Trail.  You can get tickets from Tim Tolson, Lisa Goehler, or at the Lodge at Old Trail, da Luca Café & Wine Bar, Fardowners Restaurant, Southern Way Café, Bangkok ’99 or the Over the Moon Bookstore.
  • The Field School’s Annual Blue and Silver dinner on Friday, September 28 at 6PM at the Field School.  The cost is $60 per person and includes dinner, wine and beer.  It’s one of the school’s major fundraisers.  Call the school at 823-4353 to purchase tickets.
  • Crozet Arts and Crafts Fall Festival, October 13-14 2012.
  • QuickStart Famly Classic parent/child round robin tennis tournament on Sunday, October 21st to raise funds for the tennis courts at Claudius Crozet Park.  Entry Fee is $25/team.  For registration form, contact Ms. Lynda Harrill (434-244-9644) or email
  • Other items?

Future Agenda Items?

Adjourn by 9:00 PM

Our next meeting is November 8, 2012 at 7:30 PM at the Field School Auditorium
  We meet the second Thursday of the odd-numbered months (e.g., January, March; except July) at 7:30 PM .

Local burglary suspect in custody

Also at Thursday's Crozet Community Advisory Council (CCAC) meeting, Ann Mallek read an email she had just received from the Albemarle County Policy department saying they had two suspects in custody related to several burglaries that have occurred over the last two or three weeks.   On Friday, the Charlottesville Newplex  and NBC29 reported that the police had charged 34 year-old Caleb Limbaugh Rowe is being held without bond, facing four charges of burglary and four counts of grand larceny.  The Newsplex article includes more information and photo of Mr. Limbaugh while the NBC29 article contains more details and reports from some victims

Anyone with information that can help police is asked to call Detective Bill Underwood with the Albemarle County Police Department at 434-296-5807 or call Crimestoppers at 434-977-4000

Remember to lock your car doors and house doors!

Charity Event Planning meeting August 21 at 7PM

The next “Local Chef-Competition” Planning meeting

is Tuesday, August 21, 2012 at 7:00 PM at the pub at the Lodge at Old Trail.

If you'd like to help with the planning and execution of this charity event on September 20th, please plan to join us at Tuesday, August 21st 7PM meeting . If you can't make it, let Tim Tolson know.

And mark your calendars for the friendly competition between four local restaurant chefs.  The event is September 20 at 5:30 PM at the Lodge at Old Trail.  The $20 admission ticket will be a donation of $15 to the Crozet Park (to replace the pavilion that collapsed) and the Build Crozet Library fundraising to furnish the new library!  TIckets will go on sale August 20!


Homemade Peach Ice Cream Sale by Crozet Lions Club Reprisal!

Homemade Peach Ice Cream Sale by Crozet Lions Club

Date & Time:  Saturday, August 11 from 9:00 to 6:00 & Sunday, August 12 from 10:00 to 5:00

Location:  Chiles Peach Orchard, 1351 Greenwood Road, Crozet, VA, 22932, 434-823-1583

Homemade ice cream made with fresh peaches from Chiles Orchard.  All proceeds go to local charities and the Lions mission (aiding persons with hearing & sight challenges).

Crozet Lions Peach Ice Cream Sale August 4 and 5