Rezoning hearing for Old Dominion Village – July 29, 2020

From CCAC-Notify Email list at 3:53 PM July 29, 2020

Apologies for the very short notice, but I want to let you all know that there is a community meeting TONIGHT at 6 p.m (7/29) for ZMA2020-05, which is a rezoning application for a property near the Crozet Veterinary Care Clinic, a project named Old Dominion Village. More information, and instructions for joining the Zoom meeting, are included in the PDF (click here to view or download).
Join the virtual meeting at 

CCAC members and community members are encouraged to watch the meeting and ask questions about the project, and the meeting will be recorded. Additional questions or comments can be sent to the staff reviewer until the end of the day on August 17 if you are unable to attend tonight.

If there is interest, we can also make room for discussion at our next regularly scheduled CCAC meeting, Wednesday, August 12.
Please let me know if you have any questions.


Allie Marshall Pesch
CCAC Chair

Also, more information about this project is available at

Input Needed on Crozet Master Plan Revision for Crozet Parks and Greenways

Crozet Master Plan Update

What are YOUR Goals for Crozet’s Parks, Greenways, Regional Connections, and Sustainability?

Throughout the Master Plan Update process, many Crozet residents have said how they value opportunities for recreation, open space, and protecting natural resources. Now, you are invited to participate in the conversation on conservation goals for Crozet.

Participate Now

Your participation will be used to draft recommendations in the Conservation Chapter of the Crozet Master Plan.

If you’re unable to access the Internet or have difficulties participating, we are working to make dial-in options available and can provide paper materials upon request. Please contact Albemarle County staff if you need any assistance (see email and phone number below).

Virtual Workshop Opportunities – You are Invited

Architecture & Preservation:  Share your thoughts about this important aspect of the Master Plan.
Participate Now

Connectivity: Bicycle & Pedestrian Focus – Sidewalks, bike facilities, and trails.
View Results

Connectivity: Roadways & Transit Focus – Vehicular traffic, roadway improvements, and transit.
Participate Now

Conservation:  Public parks, greenways, and sustainability.
Participate Now


The Master Plan is a collaboratively developed document that describes the Crozet community’s vision for future development and guides future public and private development. It includes recommendations for housing, transportation, parks, and other community facilities. Visit the Master Plan Website

Do you have questions?
Please contact Neighborhood Planner, Andrew Knuppel: or (434)296-5832 ext. 3313

CCAC Meeting Agenda 8 July 2020

Wednesday, July 8 from 7:00 to 8:45 PM

Click here for PDF (printable) version of the agenda


Download Zoom. Use this link
to register for the meeting. After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the webinar.

Use this link to register for the meeting. After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the webinar. Dial (301) 715-8592. Type in the Webinar ID and Password provided in your email.
If you are calling in, press *1 to listen to the meeting (your microphone will be muted). Press *3 to leave a voice message.

If you have any questions, please email

You are encouraged to please review the materials and answer the questions BEFORE  the July Crozet Community Advisory Committee’s meeting!   This questionnaire is open to CAC members as well as members of the public.


1.  Call to Order and Agenda Review. (Allie Pesch – CCAC chair)
Draft Minutes of June 10, 2020 Meeting

2.  Land Use Discussion (continued from last meeting)  Attachments:

Discussion topics and questions will be finalized during the week of July 6th based on initial feedback.

3. Bike/Ped Connectivity Feedback (time permitting)  Attachment: Bike/Ped Connectivity Workshop Feedback Summary

Discussion Question: Does the group have any questions or observations about the feedback received?

Documents from previous Crozet Master Plan meetings: January Workshop Feedback Summary, February Events Feedback Summary
Draft  Guiding Principles & Goals (5/7/2020)

Note: CCAC meets on the 2nd Wednesday of the month

The CCAC’s role and “charter” doc’s are found here:
General CCAC info
CCAC Overview & Duties:

Crozet Master Plan Update for June 24, 2020

 Crozet Master Plan Update
Wednesday, June 24th, 2020

Share Your Thoughts on Roadways & Transit in Crozet!
Many residents have voiced the importance of connecting Crozet’s different neighborhoods and centers with safe routes for vehicles and transit opportunities. We invite you to discuss potential projects and recommendations that can address the community’s goals regarding interconnected streets, traffic operations and safety, and transit.
Your participation will be used to draft recommendations in the Connectivity Chapter of the Crozet Master Plan.
If you’re unable to access the Internet or have difficulties participating, we are working to make dial-in options available and can provide paper materials upon request. Please contact staff if you need any assistance.
The Master Plan is a collaboratively developed document that describes the Crozet community’s vision for future development and guides future public and private development. It includes recommendations for housing, transportation, parks, and other community facilities. Visit the Master Plan Website
The Crozet Community Advisory Committee (CAC) supports the creation and implementation of the Crozet Master Plan. While the group is appointed by the Board of Supervisors, its meetings are open to the public and provide an opportunity for open conversation about ongoing development. Visit the CCAC Website
Do you have questions?
Please contact Neighborhood Planner, Andrew Knuppel: or (434)296-5832 ext. 3313
© 2025 Crozet Community Association // built by Angela Li // Login
Website last updated March 18, 2025