2024 May 9 CCA meeting minutes 

Crozet Community Association (CCA) Minutes of the
May 9, 2024 meeting
Claudius Crozet Park Community Building
(aka old WPED radio building)

Click here for PDF version of these minutes.

Welcome by vice president Lisa Goehler to attending 9 members at 7:35 PM

Agenda Review / Changes and additions from the floor?  There were none.

Approval of the CCA’s last meeting’s minutes (March 14, 2024).  Jo Ann Perkins made the motion to accept the minutes as presented.  Janie Halbrook seconded.  Motion carried.

Treasurer’s Report –  (2024 Dues: Still just $10 annual contribution!) Lisa gave the report.
     CCA:$3,941.24; CIDC:  $2,134.92; TOTAL: $6,076.16

Albemarle County Police Department (ACPD) may visit and give an update. (Evening Patrol Division)  Two officers were present.  Lt. Gomez and Officer Wittford reported that Crozet was less in crime than many other areas in the county.  They encouraged Crozet citizens to take advantage of the Citizens Police Academy.  Break-ins of cars that were left unlocked is an issue in the community.  They explained the sheriff and police duties.

Presentation:  Update on Barnes Lumber redevelopment plans.  (Frank Stoner, Milestone Partners and David Stoner, DCI president) They spoke on the history of the project and the public/private partnership.  Showed slides of different areas going through the changes.

Update and News from Ann Mallek, our county supervisor.  She could not attend, as she has another meeting. 

 Old  Business:

  • Crozet Independence Day will be Saturday June 29, 2024 at the King Family Vineyard!
    • The Crozet Board of Trade has paid the deposit for this year’s fireworks.  Mudhouse is offering a special coffee for the event. Lots of plans on how to organize this big event for Crozet.  Food, entertainment and stupendous fireworks.  Parade is still in its usual location and route.  Find more details in the Crozet Gazette.
  • Hanging Baskets. Muff Biber and Tim Tolson met with Lance Stewart, Albemarle County Director of Facilities and Environmental Services in middle of February.  Muff is working on a proposal for the County’s approval and the County is working on their terms and conditions. A concern was expressed about watering the plants.   Details are not complete, but Tim said at the last CCA meeting that it was one of the considerations.

New Business:

The Green Olive Tree needs a new location. Please help them find a new location as they have helped the Crozet community for decades and over $1,000,000!  The March issue of the Crozet Gazette has an article:  https://www.crozetgazette.com/2024/03/08/mixed-use-three-notchd-center-coming-to-rt-240/.    Please help this special recycle center in Crozet until their permanent location is found

Announcements –  

Future Agenda Items?
–  None.

Meeting adjourned at 8:49 PM
Minutes prepared by Jo Ann Perkins, CCA secretary.

The minutes of this May 9, 2024 meeting will be reviewed, revised as necessary, and approved at the next CCA meeting on September 12, 2024.

The next CCA meeting is September 12, 2024 at 7:30 PM
Email us at: CrozetCommunity@gmail.com

Join our email list by signing up at: http://CrozetCommunity.org/contact-us/

2024March14 CCA meeting minutes 

Crozet Community Association (CCA) Minutes of the
March 14, 2024 meeting
Claudius Crozet Park Community Building
(aka old WPED radio building)

Click here for PDF version of these minutes.

Welcome by Tim Tolson, president to attending 10 members at 7:30 PM

Agenda Review / Changes and additions from the floor?  None.

Approval of the CCA’s last meeting’s minutes (January 11, 2024). Rick Massuch made the motion to accept the minutes as presented,  and  Lisa Goehler seconded.  Motion was approved unanimously.

Treasurer’s Report –  (2024 Dues: Still just $10 annual contribution!) Tim gave the report.
     CCA:$3,941.24; CIDC:  $2,134.92; TOTAL: $6,076.16

Albemarle County Police Department (ACPD) may visit and give an update. (Evening Patrol Division)  Two officers were present.  Officer Kouls and Officer Wittford reported that Crozet sees less crime than many other areas in the county.  They encouraged Crozet citizens to take advantage of the Citizens Police Academy

Discussion: Develop a new working committee off the chairs of the Community Advisory Committees to address upcoming Comprehensive Plan updates that relate to growth.  (Tom Loach). Tim Tolson and Tom Loach spoke on the Crozet Master Plan, its history, and the new AC44.  It will affect Crozet.  Stay aware and responsive to its happenings.  Road infrastructure and possible permanent shed for Farmers Market was suggested.   Matt Helt brought up the idea of infrastructure deficit audit as a way to finance some of the needs.  He also suggested the county install permanent radar/speed signs (like on Leonard Sandridge Drive in C’ville).

Update and News from Ann Mallek, our county supervisor.  She did not attend, as she has another meeting.  She reminded everyone to please attend the transportation and budget town hall which will be at 7 pm Wednesday, April 10 at Brownsville Elementary Cafeteria.

 Old  Business:

  • Crozet Independence Day will be Saturday June 29, 2024 at the King Family Vineyard!
  • Hanging Baskets. Muff Biber and Tim Tolson met with Lance Stewart, Albemarle County Director of Facilities and Environmental Services in middle of February.  Muff is working on a proposal for the County’s approval and the County is working on their terms and conditions. A concern was expressed about watering the plants.  Tim said that is one of the considerations, details are not complete.

New Business:

  • The Green Olive Tree needs a new location. Please help them find a new location as they have helped the Crozet community for decades and over $1,000,000!  The March issue of the Crozet Gazette has an article:  https://www.crozetgazette.com/2024/03/08/mixed-use-three-notchd-center-coming-to-rt-240/
    Please help this special recycle center in Crozet until their permanent location is found. 

Announcements –  

  • Spots are open on the Crozet Community Advisory Committee!Apply at or share this link   https://www.albemarle.org/government/board-of-supervisors/boards-commissions and click on “Apply to Serve” on the right-hand side.
  • Sunday, March 24 from 5-8 PM, Crozet Creamery is hosting a Scoop Night for the Crozet Trails Crew (CTC) bridge fundraising effort (https://crozettrailscrew.org/scoop/. The CTC will receive 25% of the proceeds and all of the tips.
    • April 10, 2024 at 7:00 PM at Brownsville Elementary School. It begins with an open  house where posters displaying current County projects will be on display. At 7:30 pm we will begin the presentation on:
    • Fiscal Year 2025 Budget – revenue outlooks and priority projects planned
    • Traffic and safety
    • Transportation projects in the area (recent, current, and future)
      Following the presentations, the floor will open for audience questions.
  • Household Hazardous waste on Friday & Saturday, April 26 & 27 from 9AM to 2PM at IMUC
    • Bulky Waste Amnesty days: Furniture/Mattresses – May 4, 2024; Appliances – May 11, 2024; Tires – May 18, 2024
    • Electronic Waste Collection Day– Saturday, April 20, 2024 from 9 A to 3P at IMUC
    • You MUST pre-register:  https://www.rivanna.org/ewaste/
    • Commercial Hazardous Waste Collection– Thursday, April 25, 2024.  Qualifying businesses must pre-register with MXI Environmental earlier in April to obtain an appointment.  To register, call or email Peggy Snead at (276) 628-6636, extension 203 or peggys@mxiinc.com. There is a fee associated with disposal.
    • Details on their websiteat http://www.rivanna.org/hhw/
  • Introduction to Albemarle County’s Comprehensive Plan update, known as AC44(opens in YouTube). Albemarle County’s Comprehensive Plan Update website: http://www.engage.albemarle.org/ac44
  • Sentara Family Health Forum: Diabetes and nutrition at the Crozet United Methodist Church.   March 22 at the Crozet United Methodist Church, Sentara Hospital will have a Family Health Forum from 3 to 4:30 on chair yoga.  Medical expertise is provided by Sentara Hospital. This is a free event.  The idea is to have one a month.  This will be the fifth one.  For more information, email Jo Ann Perkins at jazperkins@outlook.com or call at 434-531-9122.

Future Agenda Items?
–  None.

Tim adjourned the meeting at 8:59 PM

Minutes prepared by Jo Ann Perkins, CCA secretary.

The minutes of this March 14, 2024 meeting will be reviewed, revised as necessary,
and approved at the next CCA meeting on May 9, 2024.

The next CCA meeting is May 9, 2024 at 7:30 PM
Email us at: CrozetCommunity@gmail.com

Join our email list by signing up at: http://CrozetCommunity.org/contact-us/


2024January 11 CCA meeting minutes 

Crozet Community Association (CCA) Minutes of the
January 11, 2024 meeting
Claudius Crozet Park Community Building
(aka old WPED radio building)

Click here for PDF version of these minutes.

Welcome by Tim Tolson, president at 7:32 PM.  Nine members present.

Agenda Review / Changes and additions from the floor?
There were none.

Approval of the CCA’s last meeting’s minutes (November 9, 2023)
Asia Weekley made a motion to approve.  Chris Saxon seconded.   The minutes were approved unanimously.

Treasurer’s Report –  (2024 Dues: Still just $10 annual contribution!)
       CCA:$4,005.58; CIDC:  $2,134.92; TOTAL: $6,140.50
      Tim repeated the announcement that he made at the November meeting that the Crozet Board of Trade made a donation to us to pull CIDC funds out of red and allow some start-up expenses for the 2024 CIDC.

Albemarle County Police Department (ACPD) may visit and give an update. (Evening Patrol Division)
Lt. Drew Meyer, Blue Ridge District Commander gave an up date on criminal activity In Crozet.  He emphasized locking our cars and our houses.  Hide our valuables out of sight in our cars.  Lots of tools at construction sites have been stolen.  He expressed that we all should take care to secure our equipment.  Two other officers attended as well.

Presentation:  Update on The Square Improvements (Lance Stewart, Albemarle County’s Director of Facilities and Environmental Services).  He handed out maps of the area that will soon be under construction and an in-depth map of specific areas in The Square. Please be aware this all takes time when you have two partners working on the project and one is VDOT and the other Albemarle County.  Once the project is complete you will only be able to take a righthand turn on to Crozet Avenue from the Square and to make a righthand turn from Crozet Avenue into the Square.

The project will add a lot to Crozet community.  Oak Street parking improvements east of The Square will begin the project and then the area in front of the businesses.

(Mr. Stewart gave a presentation on this project to the Crozet Community Advisory Committee (CCAC) at their February 14, 2024 meeting.  The PDF of that presentation is available on the CCA website (https://crozetcommunity.org/wp-content/uploads/2024/02/Crozet-Square-Update-CCAC-2.14.2024.pdf)).

They expect to bid the project in March to May and start work in July 2024 and complete the project in June 2025.

 Old  Business:

  • Crozet Independence Day will be Saturday June 29, 2024 at the King Family Vineyard!
    • Tim reported that the planning committee meets again this Friday at King Family Vineyard. Crozet Parade will continue to be at the same time (5pm on 6/29/2024) and route.
    • For 2023 (last year’s CIDC)  The Crozet Board of Trade donated a total of $1,750 to the Crozet Volunteer Fire Department, Western Albemarle Rescue Squad, Crozet Trails Crew and Crozet Fellowship Church.  The Crozet Board of Trade has the funds to pay for the fireworks deposit for this year.

New Business:

  • Election of CCA officers for 2024.  Rick Massuch made a motion to accept the slate of officers as presented: President: Tim Tolson, Vice-President: Lisa Goehler, Secretary: Jo Ann Perkins, and Acting Treasurer: Tim Tolson.  Chris Saxon seconded the motion.  Passed unanimously.   Congratulations to the new officers.

Announcements –  

  • Household Hazardous waste on Friday & Saturday, April 26 & 27 from 9AM to 2PM at IMUC
    • Bulky Waste Amnesty days: Furniture/Mattresses – May 4, 2024; Appliances – May 11, 2024; Tires – May 18, 2024
    • Electronic Waste Collection Day– Saturday, April 20, 2024 from 9 A to 3P at IMUC
    • You MUST pre-register:  https://www.rivanna.org/ewaste/
    • Commercial Hazardous Waste Collection– Thursday, April 25, 2024.  Qualifying businesses must pre-register with MXI Environmental earlier in April to obtain an appointment.  To register, call or email Peggy Snead at (276) 628-6636, extension 203 or peggys@mxiinc.com. There is a fee associated with disposal.
    • Details on their websiteat http://www.rivanna.org/hhw/
  • Introduction to Albemarle County’s Comprehensive Plan update, known as AC44(opens in YouTube). Albemarle County’s Comprehensive Plan Update website: http://www.engage.albemarle.org/ac44
  • Sentara Family Health Forum: These are held at Crozet United Methodist Church from 3 to 4:30.  The one being held January 16 has been moved to February 20 with snow day February 27. (Bad weather prediction) The event is free.  This will be the fourth forum in a series and the topic is Diabetes and Nutrition.  Medical expertise is provided by Sentara Hospital.

Future Agenda Items?
–  None.

Tim adjourned the meeting at 8:50 PM

Minutes prepared by Jo Ann Perkins, CCA secretary.

The minutes of this January 11, 2024 meeting will be reviewed, revised as necessary,
and approved at the next CCA meeting on March 14, 2024.

The next CCA meeting is March 14, 2024 at 7:30 PM
Email us at: CrozetCommunity@gmail.com

Join our email list by signing up at: http://CrozetCommunity.org/contact-us/


2023 November 9 CCA meeting minutes 

Crozet Community Association (CCA) Minutes of the
November 9, 2023 meeting
Claudius Crozet Park Community Building
(aka old WPED radio building)

Click here for PDF version of these minutes.

Welcome:  Tim Tolson, President of CCA, welcomed ten members at 7:31 PM

Agenda Review / Changes and additions from the floor?
One announcement (to be made when other announcements are made).

Approval of the CCA’s last meeting’s minutes (May 11, 2023)
Bill O’Malley made the motion, seconded by Ann Mallek and they were unanimously approved.

Treasurer’s Report –  (2023 Dues: Still just $10 annual contribution!)
       CCA: $4,020.58; CIDC: <$1,865.08>; TOTAL: $2,140.50
Tim said that the Crozet Board of Trade will make a donation to us to pull CIDC out of red and allow us to make donations to civic groups from this year’s CIDC donations and still have enough funds for the fireworks deposit next month and start-up expenses for the 2024 CIDC.

Albemarle County Police Department (ACPD) may visit and give an update. (Evening Patrol Division)
Officer Matt Middleton joined the meeting at 8:00 PM

Presentation:  Crozet Leadership Team (Bill O’Malley and Ron Wade).  This team is an organization of an home owners associations (HOA) officer from the different HOAs in the Crozet community. Their aim is to be non-partisan and to encourage their residents to get involved in Crozet.   They know they walk in the footsteps of other Crozet organizations like the CCA and the Crozet Board of Trade.  They held a very successful candidates forum at the Field School with an overflow crowd.  There was a good interaction between their organization and the CCA.  Their addition will be good for the Crozet community.

Update and news from Ann Mallek, our county supervisor.  Ann Mallek spoke about the Board of Supervisors (BOS) looking at the existing community master plans as part of AC44.  Crozet Master Plan has no surprises. She emphasized that all citizens need to be careful and be safe with holidays coming up.

 Old  Business:

  • Muff Biber made a motion at the September 14th CCA meeting:
    That the CCA encourage and assist with the flower baskets and beautification along Crozet Avenue in downtown Crozet.
    This motion was unanimously accepted.
    Per Article VII of the CCA bylaws, this motion is presented at this second regular CCA meeting for discussion and vote, and if accepted, will be adopted.

Tim Tolson made the motion that the CCA encourage and assist with the flower baskets.  Bill O’Malley seconded the motion and it passed unanimously.  Tim will contact Muff Biber about the support of the CCA.

  • Crozet Independence Day will be Saturday June 29, 2024at the King Family Vineyard. The King family has generously donated their space for the day and are working with the CIDC planning committee.

New Business:

  • Tim told folks that at our next regular meeting (January 11, 2024) we have the election of CCA officers for 2024. Nominations are open for President, Vice President, Secretary, and Treasurer.  Current  officers are: President: Tim Tolson, Vice-President: Lisa Goehler, Secretary: Jo Ann Perkins, and Acting Treasurer: Tim Tolson.  Candidates must be present at the January 11, 2024 meeting or have spoken with a current officer about their willingness to serve if elected (Article II of the Bylaws)

Announcements –  

  • Jo Ann spoke on the Family Health Forum that will have its third forum December 6 at Crozet United Methodist Church from 3-4:30. Sawyer and a specialist on hand pain will conduct the forum.  It Is FREE to the public.
  • F3 (https://www.f3cville.com ) a men’s fitness and fellowship. It’s a weekly, a peer-led, free, outdoor workout open to all men and fitness levels. Currently meeting on Saturdays from 6:30 – 7:30AM at the Old Trail playground.
  • Crozet Park Winter Brews Festival, Saturday, December 2, 2023 from 12 Noon to 5:00 PM. Tickets are available now!  Live music, food trucks & more. Information at: http://www.crozetbeerfest.com/
    Volunteer to help by going to: https://www.signupgenius.com/go/70A0E48A4AF2EA75-5thannual
    Sign up for at least one shift and get free admission to the Festival for the rest of the day. Volunteers at this Festival must be age at least 21 years old.
  • Crozet Volunteer Fire Department Christmas Parade, Sunday, December 3 at 2:00 PM. Lineup is at 1:00 PM on Wayland Drive in Crozet. Organized by the Crozet Volunteer Fire Department. Parade starts at St. George Avenue on Crozet Avenue and turns left at the 4-way stop, ending at the firehouse, 5652 Three Notch’d Road.
  • Crozet Holiday Market Crawl, Saturday, December 9 from 10 AM to 4 PM. Plan to come early for breakfast at downtown establishments or grab a bite from one of the festive food vendors there for the special shopping day.
  • Introduction to Albemarle County’s Comprehensive Plan update, known as AC44(opens in YouTube). Albemarle County’s Comprehensive Plan Update website: http://www.engage.albemarle.org/ac44

Ann reminded folks about pre-holiday safety and theft (particularly from cars, Officer Middleton added).

Future Agenda Items?
–  None.

Tim adjourned the meeting at 8:47 PM

Minutes prepared by Tim Tolson, with help from the notes of Jo Ann Perkins, CCA secretary.

The next CCA meeting is January 11, 2024 at 7:30 PM
Email us at: CrozetCommunity@gmail.com

Join our email list by signing up at: http://CrozetCommunity.org/contact-us/

These minutes of this November 9, 2023 meeting will be reviewed, revised as necessary,
and approved at the January 11, 2024 meeting.

2023 September 14 CCA meeting minutes 

Crozet Community Association (CCA) Minutes of the
September 14, 2023 meeting
Claudius Crozet Park Community Building
(aka old WPED radio building)

Click here for PDF version of these minutes.

Welcome: Tim Tolson welcomed nine people present and called the meeting to order at 7:32 PM.

Agenda Review / Changes and additions from the floor?
There were none.

Approval of the CCA’s last meeting’s minutes (May 11, 2023)
     Ann Mallek made the motion that they be accepted as presented.  Lisa Goehler seconded and the motion passed unanimously.

Treasurer’s Report –  (2023 Dues: Still just $10 annual contribution!)
       CCA: $4,020.58; CIDC: <$2,465.8>; TOTAL: $$1,565.50
(Includes 9/15 credit card payment of $46.34 (CCA) and $1,116. (CIDC) for vendor.)

Albemarle County Police Department (ACPD) may visit and give an update. (Evening Patrol Division)
No police officers were present this evening. Tim said there is a new Blue Ridge District commander, Drew Meyer.

Discussion: Crozet Community Orchard Project, inspired by a similar project in Bloomington, Indiana (Matthew Slaats).
Matthew gave the history of the project.  Much discussion on location and financing.  Saturday, September 30 at the Crozet library at noon is a meeting to Build a Community Orchard.  You are nvited to take a lead in helping this happen.

Discussion:  Having hanging baskets on light poles along Crozet Avenue in downtown Crozet (Proposal by Muff Biber).

Muff spoke on her research of other communities doing the same thing.  She saw Zionsville, IN “main street” grew when it focused on beautification of its downtown.  It shows the pride of community members by beautifying entrance into the main part of the community.  Flags and flowers on the poles.  She is willing to head up an effort to create and maintain hanging baskets of flowers (similar to Waynesboro downtown).  She’s owner of Bloom Crozet.  She would pursue grants and work with Albemarle County.  She made a motion that the CCA encourage and assist with this project along Crozet Avenue in downtown Crozet.  Ann Mallek seconded the motion and it was unanimously adopted.

Ann spoke on the update of the different roads.  Progress may seem slow but progress is being made.  She talked about Albemarle County Comprehensive Plan update (AC44), which has discussed the possible expansion of the growth areas.  Activity centers are being reviewed.

[Note: Per Article VII of the CCA bylaws, this motion will be presented at a second regular CCA meeting for discussion and vote, and if accepted, will be adopted.]

Update and News from Ann Mallek, our county supervisor

Supervisor Mallek reminded us of the importance of attending the 7pm, May 24th meeting at Brownsville Elementary School, where there will be an information/question/answer session regarding the status of the round-about at the 240/250/680 intersection.

She gave updates on county projects and general discussion was made about several concerns.

She solicited questions and there was further discussions.

Old  Business:

  • Tim gave an update on possible Architecture School project to create design(s) for old Acme Visible Records.  Tim, Mike Marshall, and Tom Loach attended a meeting. The Wilson Group (owners of the property) does not want to participate in the study.  So the A-School’s involvement in the project will be postponed until a later date.
  • Crozet Independence Day Celebration, Saturday, July 1, 2023!
    • Success.  Everyone reported having a great time and loved having the fireworks back.
    • We did meet the $10,000 challenge, with over 200 people contributing more than $22,000 (not including the $10K challenge funds).
    • Next Crozet Independence Day Celebration will be the Saturday before July 4th, which is, June 29, 2024!
    • The celebration will hopefully be at King Family Vineyard (KFV). The Crozet parade will still be in same location and time – have discussed with Gary Dillon, fire chief and parade coordinator.  Hope to use the Crozet Trolley to bring people from their parked cars at KFV to the parade and back.

New Business:

  • Jo Ann spoke on the Family Health Forum that will have its first forum Tuesday, September 26 at Crozet United Methodist Church from 3-4:30 pm.  The topic is how not to fall or to catch yourself before you fall.  Dr. Sawyer and a physical therapist from Ivy Rehab will conduct the forum.  It is free to the public.
  • Discussion about supporting teenagers and an activity center for them to go to after school. Several suggestions were given to ask for help to create such a place.
  • Bill O’Malley said that the Crozet Leadership Team held a very successful Candidates Forum on Monday 9/11 of this week. The gym/auditorium at the Field School in Crozet (across from Crozet Elementary) was packed, standing room only.

Announcements –  

  • Household Hazardous waste on Friday & Saturday, September 22 & 23 from 9AM to 2PM at IMUC
  • Bulky Waste Amnesty days:
    • Furniture/Mattresses – September 30, 2023; Appliances – October 7, 2023; Tires – October 14, 2023
  • Electronic Waste Collection Day– Saturday, September 21, 2023 from 9 A to 3P at IMUC
  • Public review and input on the plans for the 240/250/680 roundabout.  Two options:
    • Tuesday, September 19 from 5 to 7 pm at the National Guard Armory, 165 Peregory Lane, Charlottesville
    • Thursday, September 21 from 5 to 7 pm at the The Center at Belvedere, 540 Belvedere Blvd, Charlottesville
  • Crozet Library 10th Anniversary Celebration, Friday September 29 from 3:00 to 4:30 PM.  There will be treats, activities, and a community art project.
  • Crozet Arts and Craft Festival, Saturday & Sunday October 7 and 8, 2023 from 10AM to 5:30 on Saturday and 10AM to 5PM on Sunday at the Claudius Crozet Park.
  • Friends of JMRL Book Sale: Saturday, October 7 – Sunday, October 15 from 10AM to 7PM
    at 300 Albemarle Square Shopping Center, Charlottesville (the old Northside Library location)

    • Member’s Pre-Sale: Friday, Oct. 6 from 5-7pm (No Scanners at Pre-Sale (10/6) & Sat 10/7 from 10am-1pm)
    • 1/2 price days: October 14 & 15
  • Introduction to Albemarle County’s Comprehensive Plan update, known as AC44(opens in YouTube)

Future Agenda Items?
–  Bill O’Malley will speak at the November CCA meeting about Crozet Leadership Team.

The meeting was adjourned at 8:55

Minutes prepared by Tim Tolson, with help from the notes of Jo Ann Perkins, CCA secretary, and Ann Mallek.

The next CCA meeting is November 9, 2023 at 7:30 PM
Email us at: CrozetCommunity@gmail.com

Join our email list by signing up at: http://CrozetCommunity.org/contact-us/

These minutes of this September 14, 2023 meeting will be reviewed, revised as necessary,
and approved at the November 9, 2023 meeting.

2023 May 11 CCA meeting minutes 

Crozet Community Association (CCA) Minutes of the
May 11, 2023 meeting
Claudius Crozet Park Community Building
(aka old WPED radio building)

Click here for PDF version of these minutes.

Welcome: Tim Tolson welcome six people present and called the meeting to order at 7:32 PM.

Agenda Review / Changes and additions from the floor?
None were given

Approval of the CCA’s last meeting’s minutes (January 12, 2023)
        (The March 9, 2023 meeting was not held because no one attended.)

Approved unanimously.

Treasurer’s Report –  (2023 Dues: Still just $10 annual contribution!)
       CCA: $3,949.51; CIDC: $25.26; TOTAL: $3,974.77
(Payment of $68.48 (CCA) credit card and $9,000 (CIDC) deposit for fireworks .)

Tim said that we have only 10 paid members of CCA this year.  He explained that the purpose of CCA is provide a forum for citizens to gather to receive and discuss information that can result in us, together and individually, taking effective action to improve our community.

Albemarle County Police Department (ACPD) visited and give an update. (Evening Patrol Division-Officer Jordan S. DeLange and Officer N. Weather, and Officer Matt Riley.

They answered questions from those present, including departmental vacancies are being filled but it takes awhile to get an officer trained; the sector they patrol is 8,190 square miles so patience is required if it’s a non-emergency.  Officers are spread thin, often with only one officer covering 190 square miles of Albemarle County at any given time.  Nonetheless, they can usually reach life and death emergency situations within 5 minutes of receiving the call.   Officer DeLange left business cards with his personal cell phone number for emergency calls.

Presentation: Charlottesville Free Clinic: An open door to health care (Susan Sherman, the Executive Director of the Charlottesville Free Clinic)

Presentation about the excellent health care services of the Charlottesville Free Clinic for both indigent patients and those whose income is too great to received Medicaid but not enough to provide health care, as well as our fellow citizens who have lost their homes due to health problems and expenses, or financial setbacks.  She presented photographs and stories of people they help, and information about the top-quality services, equipment, and resources they have to offer for free.  They are a non-profit organization, assisted by the freely volunteered services of over 500 healthcare professionals from dental assistants to oral maxillofacial surgeons.  It is a highly sought intern rotation for doctors because they get direct exposure to community-based health care.  They are adding additional capacity for mental health services.

Update and News from Ann Mallek, our county supervisor

Supervisor Mallek reminded us of the importance of attending the 7pm, May 24th meeting at Brownsville Elementary School, where there will be an information/question/answer session regarding the status of the round-about at the 240/250/680 intersection.

She gave updates on county projects and general discussion was made about several concerns.

She solicited questions and there was further discussions.

Old  Business:

  • Tim gave an update on possible Architecture School project to create design(s) for old Acme Visible Records. We’ve met with a professor in the UVA Architecture School who is willing to have a semester long class about possible uses of the old Acme Visible Records property.   We are contacting the Wilson Group that owns the property to see if the students can visit the property at the to start.
  • Crozet Independence Day Celebration, Saturday, July 1, 2023!
    • Planning has started, deposit on fireworks made! Event will be at Crozet Park again this year.
      Volunteers needed to help with planning and putting on the event.
    • Donations for fireworks – www.gofund.me/56597ad9.
    • Discussion about the Independence Day fireworks display, and how the skyrocketing fireworks prices this year have created a difficult situation between raising funds for this year and funds to make the necessary deposit for next year’s fireworks display. Tim Tolson was able to find a new vendor this for significantly less money than the dramatically raised prices of the previous long-standing vendor. Donations are badly lacking, sought vigorously, and gratefully accepted. Donations for the fireworks are tax-deductible as they go to the Crozet Board of Trade.

New Business:

Announcements –  

Future Agenda Items?
–  None offered.

The meeting was adjourned at 9:02 PM

Minutes prepared by Tim Tolson, with help from the notes of Pablo Miller and Ann Mallek.   (Because the secretary has an injured right hand that prevents her from taking notes.)

These minutes of the May 11, 2023 meeting will be reviewed, revised as necessary,
and approved at the September 14, 2023 meeting.

The next CCA meeting is September 14, 2023 at 7:30 PM  

CCA meetings are at 7:30 PM on the second Thursday of the odd numbered months
(except July).

Email us at: CrozetCommunity@gmail.com

Join our email list by signing up at: http://CrozetCommunity.org/contact-us/

These minutes of this May 11, 2023 meeting will be reviewed, revised as necessary,
and approved at the September 14, 2023 meeting.

2023 March 9 CCA meeting minutes 

Crozet Community Association (CCA) Minutes of the
March 9, 2023
Claudius Crozet Park Community Building
(aka old WPED radio building)

(Please enter Crozet Park through the front gate on Park Road and park on the basketball courts located behind the main facility and near the Community building. Please do not park along Hilltop Street or Indigo Road.)

Click here for PDF version of these minutes.


This meeting was NOT held.  No one showed up (The first round of the ACC basketball tournament was on, featuring UVA-UNC.)   The only persons present were the two main presenters, Allison Wrabel and Emily Kilroy; three officers from the Albemarle County Police Department (ACPD) – Officers Jordan De Lange, N. Weather, and Matt Riley; Supervisor Ann Mallek; and the CCA secretary, Jo Ann Perkins; and President, Tim Tolson.

Those in attendance decided at 7:45 PM to “adjourn” the meeting.  Tim Tolson left the building shortly 8:00 PM and no one else had shown up.

Click here to go to this meeting’s agenda.

The next CCA meeting is May 11, 2023 at 7:30 PM

CCA meetings are at 7:30 PM on the second Thursday of the odd numbered months
(except July).

Email us at: CrozetCommunity@gmail.com

Join our email list by signing up at: http://CrozetCommunity.org/contact-us/

The minutes of the January 12, 2023 meeting will be reviewed, revised if necessary, and approved at the May 11, 2023 meeting.

2023 January 12 CCA meeting minutes 

Crozet Community Association (CCA) Minutes of the
January 12, 2023
Claudius Crozet Park Community Building
(aka old WPED radio building)

Click here for PDF version of these minutes.

Welcome: Tim Tolson, President,  welcomed the 13 people present and called the meeting to order at 7:31 PM.

Agenda Review / Changes and additions from the floor?

Jo Ann Perkins asked to speak about recycling.  Tim suggested and she concurred that it could be during new business.

Approval of the CCA’s last meeting’s minutes (November 10, 2022)
          Tom Loach made the motion to accept as given and Jo Ann Perkins seconded.  Unanimous approval.

Treasurer’s Report –  (2023 Dues: Still just $10 annual contribution!)
           CCA: $3,964.58; CIDC: $7,275.97; TOTAL: $11,240.55
Tim gave the treasurer’s report.  Allied Portable Toilets (APT) finally sent in a bill for the Crozet Independence Day Celebration of $1,750.71 that is NOT reflected in the totals above. To CIDC total is now $5,525.26

Albemarle County Police Department (ACPD) visited and give an update. (Evening Patrol Division-Officer Jordan S. DeLange and Officer R.A. Figueroa)

Officers DeLange and Figueroa joined the CCA meeting and gave a few updates and answered questions.  Someone asked about thefts of shipments left on porches and the officers said it has NOT been a problem in the Crozet area. The sub-station at Old Trail is working out well.

The ACPD has three shifts daylight, evening and midnight.   They try to respond to call for service within 15 minutes.

Current issue is time an officer has to spend on mental health/crisis intervention.  They are working on a collaboration with Region Ten.

Presentation:  Three Notched Trail Plans & RAISE Grant (Allie Hill, Three Notched Trail Planning Group Chair)

Mx. Allie Hill gave a presentation on the RAISE grant and plans for the Three Notched Trail.  It will run between Charlottesville and the Blue Ridge tunnel in Afton via Crozet.   Looking at options and possible routes with the RAISE grant funding.  Possibly run some of the trail next to the railroad tracks.  Email Mx. Hill at info@ThreeNotchedTrail.org
(Article about the presentation is in the February issue of the Crozet Gazette: https://www.crozetgazette.com/2023/02/03/three-notched-trail-planning-underway/)

Update and News from Ann Mallek, our county supervisor

Ann gave an update on property tax assessments. Most of them increased, some dramatically.  The County assessment office worked very hard to get an accurate market/sale price for each property.

County looking at small infrastructure projects.  County should consider providing resources for grant applications via community development.

She solicited questions.  There was a discussion of property assessments.

Old  Business:

  • Tom Loach’s motion: That the CCA set up a survey committee, similar to the last one in 2017, to gauge the Crozet community’s support for each of the county’s AC44 options.

[Note: Per Article VII of the CCA bylaws, this motion is being presented at a second regular CCA meeting for discussion and vote, and if accepted, will be adopted.]

Tom Loach withdrew his motion.

  • IF there is a Crozet Independence Day Celebration . . .

Tim said that the Crozet Independence Day Celebration (CIDC) will be held Saturday, July 1st.  Working hard to have fireworks or drone show at Crozet Park.  Have contacted 5 or 6 drone show companies and only one has provided a quote – $40,000! Contacting fireworks companies as well.  Prices for these has more than doubled from previous years and there are limits on the size of the show we can have in the traditional launch place given the new housing built near Crozet Park.

New Business:

  • Election of CCA officers for 2023. Nominations are open for President, Vice President, Secretary, and Treasurer.  Current  officers are: President: Tim Tolson, Vice-President: Lisa Goehler, Secretary: Jo Ann Perkins, and Acting Treasurer: Tim Tolson.  Candidates must be present at the January 12, 2023 meeting or have spoken with a current officer about their willingness to serve if elected (Article II of the Bylaws).

After discussion, the slate of officers – President: Tim Tolson, Vice-President: Lisa Goehler, Secretary: Jo Ann Perkins, and Acting Treasurer: Tim Tolson – was motioned by Ann Mallek and seconded by Terri Miyamoto.  Unanimously approved.

  • Tim related the public hearing at the Crozet Community Advisory Committee (CCAC) about the Crozet trailer park (manufactured homes). The proposed 14 additional homes would all be within the existing trailer park (which is just a little ways beyond Crozet Park on Park Street). They are truly affordable homes.  Current residents support this proposal and said they would not be able to afford another home in Crozet.  Video of the CCAC meeting is at: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RYj-Hj81scI&t=7s
  • Tom Loach discussed his new website/blog “AboutCrozet.com”. Desire to make Crozetians aware of the Comprehensive Plan update happening and its impact on Crozet.  Also has Crozet businesses directory and community calendar.
    It reviews the Comprehensive Plan topics and asks folks to respond.  He have response statistics at the CCAC meeting last night.
  • Tom Loach also proposed the CCA work on a project with the UVa Architecture School on the old Acme Visible Records property. Have the A-School students (in a class) review the property details and site and provide design alternatives for when the property comes out of remediation.  Tim and Tom will pursue this idea and provide updates at these meetings.
  • Jo Ann Perkins spoke about a recycling center in Crozet. The Green Olive Tree is the biggest recycling center in Crozet!  It needs more space!  She thinks a recycling complex that includes bigger space for the Green Olive Tree.  The county had, years ago, approved the dollars for a Crozet recycling center, but it needs a location.

Announcements –  

  • Household Hazardous waste on Friday & Saturday, April 21 & 22 from 9AM to 2PM at IMUC
  • Bulky Waste Amnesty days:
    • Furniture/Mattresses – April 29, 2023; Appliances – May 6, 2023; Tires – May 13, 2023
  • Electronic Waste Collection Day– Saturday, April 15, 2023 from 9 A to 3P at IMUC
  • Commercial Hazardous Waste Collection– Thursday, April 20, 2023.  Qualifying businesses must pre-register with MXI Environmental by April 14th to obtain an appointment.  To register, call or email Peggy Snead at (276) 628-6636, extension 203 or peggys@mxiinc.com. There is a fee associated with disposal.
  • Details on their websiteat http://www.rivanna.org/hhw/

Future Agenda Items?
– Albemarle County presentation on the Comprehensive Plan Update (AC44) will be the main presentation at the March 9, 2023 CCA meeting.

The meeting was adjourned at 9:05 PM

Minutes prepared by Tim Tolson, with notes from Lisa Goehler.  (Jo Ann Perkins was unable to take notes because she has injured her right hand.)

The next CCA meeting is March 9, 2023 at 7:30 PM  

CCA meetings are at 7:30 PM on the second Thursday of the odd numbered months
(except July).

Email us at: CrozetCommunity@gmail.com

Join our email list by signing up at: http://CrozetCommunity.org/contact-us/
These minutes of theJanuary 13, 2023 meeting will be reviewed, revised as necessary, and approved at the March 9, 2023 meeting.

2022 November 10 CCA meeting minutes 

Crozet Community Association (CCA) Minutes of the
November 10, 2022
Claudius Crozet Park Community Building
(aka old WPED radio building)

(Please enter Crozet Park through the front gate on Park Road and park on the basketball courts located behind the main facility and near the Community building. Please do not park along Hilltop Street or Indigo Road.)

Click here for PDF version of these minutes.

Welcome: Tim Tolson, President,  welcomed the five people present and called the meeting to order at 7:33 PM.

Agenda Review/Changes and additions from the floor.  
– Jo Ann Perkins ask to add an item under New Business.

Approval of the CCA’s minutes of September 8, 2022.
– Brad Rykal made the motion to approve the minutes as presented,  Eric Schmitz seconded.  The motion passed unanimously.

Treasurer’s Report: (2022 Dues: Still just $10 annual contribution). Tim reported the CCA: $4,000.58; CIDC: 7,898.99; TOTAL: 11,899.55 – There are 2 outstanding bills for the CIDC.

Albemarle County Police Department (ACPD; Blue Ridge District Evening Patrol Division) may visit and give an update.

Presentation:  Montclair Stream:  Myths & Facts (Eric Schmitz, Crozet United)
Update regarding the White Gate Farm/Montclair stream, shared by Eric Schmitz. The environmental consultants hired by Albemarle County have confirmed that there is, indeed, an “intermittent” stream, which is entitled to protection under County ordinances. Frank Pohl, the County Engineer, issued this stream determination letter on October 19, 2022.

Eric Schmitz gave an informative talk with slides about Crozet United non-profit group and stream protection and why.  He gave the history of the stream and why the county needs to protect this stream and other streams.  He answered numerous questions as his presentation progressed.   Statistics, maps, and progress his group is making on this project and they need volunteers to help with the project.

Update and News from Ann Mallek, our county supervisor
Ann Mallek summarized the work the county can possibly do in the stream protection of Crozet United.  She briefly mentioned on several projects but she needs more clarity.

Old Business:

  • Tom Loach’s motion: was postponed to the January meeting because Tom was sick and unable to attend.
    That the CCA set up a survey committee, similar to the last one in 2017, to gauge the Crozet community’s support for each of the county’s AC44 options.[Note: Per Article VII of the CCA bylaws, this motion is being presented at a second regular CCA meeting for discussion and vote, and if accepted, will be adopted.]
  • Crozet Independence Day Celebration on Saturday, July 1, 2023
    Tim mentioned that he would be meeting with a group to discuss possible location changes and other issues for this event.  More information to come.  Fireworks location is the issue, as detailed in the Crozet Gazette article.

New Business:

  • At our next regular meeting (January 12, 2023) we have the election of CCA officers for 2023. Nominations are open for President, Vice President, Secretary, and Treasurer.  Current  officers are: President: Tim Tolson, Vice-President: Lisa Goehler, Secretary: Jo Ann Perkins, and Acting Treasurer: Tim Tolson.  Candidates must be present at the January 12, 2023 meeting or have spoken with a current officer about their willingness to serve if elected (Article II of the Bylaws).
  • Jo Ann Perkins mentioned that CCA needs to begin a community events committee to pull together the community as Crozet. Possible development of such a committee after Independence Day event is settled.

Announcements –  

  • Crozet Volunteer Fire Department Christmas Parade, Sunday, December 4 at 2:00 PM.   Lineup is at 1:00 PM on Wayland Drive in Crozet. Organized by the Crozet Volunteer Fire Department. Parade starts at Wayland Drive and turns left at the 4-way stop, ending at the fire department.
  • Crozet Park Winter Brews Festival, Saturday, December 3, 2022 from 12 Noon to 5:00 PM.  Tickets are available now!  Live music, food trucks & more. Information at: http://www.crozetbeerfest.com/
    • Volunteer to help by going to: https://www.signupgenius.com/go/70a0e48a4af2ea75-4thannual
      Sign up for at least one shift and get free admission to the Festival for the rest of the day. Volunteers at this Festival must be age at least 21 years old.
      This festival is a fundraiser for the Claudius Crozet Park.

Future Agenda Items?  – None.

Meeting adjourned at 9:11 PM.

These minutes were prepared by Jo Ann Perkins, CCA Secretary .

The next CCA meeting is January 12, 2023 at 7:30 PM

CCA meetings are at 7:30 PM on the second Thursday of the odd numbered months
(except July).

Email us at: CrozetCommunity@gmail.com

Join our email list by signing up at: http://CrozetCommunity.org/contact-us/

These minutes of the November 10, 2022 meeting will be reviewed, revised as necessary, and approved at the January 13, 2023 meeting.

2022 September 8 CCA meeting minutes 

Crozet Community Association (CCA) Minutes of the
September 8, 2022
Claudius Crozet Park Community Building

(Please enter Crozet Park through the front gate on Park Road and park on the basketball courts located behind
the main facility and near the Community building. Please do not park along Hilltop Street or Indigo Road.)

Click here for PDF version of these minutes.

Welcome: Tim Tolson, President,  welcomed the 8 people present and called the meeting to order at 7:35 PM.   The CCA secretary, Jo Ann Perkins, has injured her hand and can’t take minutes.  Ann Mallek volunteered to send her notes on the meeting to help Tim with minutes.

Agenda Review/Changes and additions from the floor.  
– Tom Loach ask to add a motion to New Business.

Approval of the CCA’s minutes of March 10, 2022.
– Tom Loach mad motion to accept them as presented, Ann Mallek seconded and unanimously approved

Treasurer’s Report: (2022 Dues: Still just $10 annual contribution). Tim reported the CCA: $4,000.58; CIDC: 7,898.99; TOTAL: 11,899.55 – There are 2 outstanding bills for the CIDC.

Albemarle County Police Department (ACPD; Blue Ridge District Evening Patrol Division) may visit and give an update. – They may stop by.

Discussion:  Growth in Crozet and the 2022 Crozet Master Plan

– Tim provided some background information about the 2022 Crozet Master Plan, the Montvale subdivision proposal and Crozet United and Eric Schmidt want the stream placed back on the maps.   The County staff seemed more solicitous about what Crozet residents wanted when we did the 2004 master plan and the 2010 revision.  That seemed not to be the case for the 2022 revision.  They pushed middle density housing onto the maps over the objections of both residents where it was being proposed and the CCAC.

Tom Loach said he thought the new Crozet Master Plan was a disaster for the community. It was not the CCAC members choice.  There were three CCAC meetings on land use and the CCAC objected twice and voted no 12-5.   It was pre-determined before it came to the CCAC.  Middle density did not/does not exist as a zoning category.  Just last week, Old Dominion on the border of Beaver Creek (and the growth area) got 8-9 homes per acre.
Affordable housing has been discussed since 1993, it was part of the first Crozet Master Plan.  We wanted to maintain the character of the community back then.  In 2004, the consultant said Crozet would have a maximum of 12,800 for the current 3,000.  In 2020,  the Crozet Gazette reported 16,700 units were issued for Crozet growth area.

In 2022, another consultant added another 870 houses to Crozet.   The comprehensive plan goals, 4 out of 7 are aimed at Crozet.   We did a survey and try to work with the county, since 1993.  Who wanted more population in the survey?  What was expected new growth that was compatible with existing neighborhoods.   The community welcomed development but at the lower range of density.  There were individual threats to the comprehensive plan.

In 1985, the CCA was formed and gave voice to its desires.  The first community survey [NOTE: in 2010]  talked about amenities like bike and pedestrian paths, types of development on 250. Yancey Mills/I-64 interchange.   In 2017 did another survey, statistically sampled, got over a 65% return rate saying similar things to 2010 survey.

The CCAC has voted over and over again since 2005 about development and density.  The original 2004 Crozet master plan used the neighborhood model and incorporated bona fide affordable units.  The community worked a lot with PHA on their Blue Ridge Avenue mixed income neighborhood model.   Only to have PHA sell the land to a developer.  For years there’s been a presentation about water.
He suggested another meeting – a state  of Crozet meeting.  Have a fact sheet for background. Like was done at the Field School years ago.
[NOTE: that meeting was to gather ideas for the development of the Barnes Lumber property.]  Have speakers from the county to answer questions.

Terri likes the pedestrian crossing at Harris Teeter on Route 250.  The narrowness slows people down.

Update and News from Ann Mallek, our county supervisor

The county is working on a revised comprehensive plan called “AC44” – Albemarle County 2044 –  the revision of the county’s comprehensive plan.  There are seven options being explored with surveys and community input sessions.

  1. It has more density in development areas, keeping green infrastructure.
  2. It has opportunities to reduce maximum densities to align with more usual growth as passed. It has the neighborhood model; Grey Rock in process, Crozet wanted affordable housing. Bob Hirshman rendered a model with affordable housing interspersed but it  was not accepted.
  3. It includes new criteria about expanding the growth areas. Since 1975 , the county has opted to be 95% rural and keep 5% of the land rural land. Use property tax exemption to incentive rural land and give that tax benefit to the growth area – was implicit to the concept. In 1991 there was a review of cost offsets. Approximate 2 to 4$ million.   [Note: She explained the  land use program.]
  4. Opportunities for development at the I-64 interchanges. The I-64/Route 250 interchange at Yancey Mill is already a disaster.  The section from Harris Teeter to I-64  has at least one accident per month.  Rural character not intended to be served by public utilities.

Is a waning view about maintaining the rural area.?  She thinks not really.

Terri Miyamoto: If we want to keep rural areas rural and not increase density so much, where will people live?   Seems like in 20 years, more land will be needed in the growth area.

The county has fallen down on infrastructure. There might be less resistance to growth if there were confidence on delivery of infrastructure.

Old Business: 

  • Crozet Independence Day Celebration will be Saturday, July 1, 2023.
    Tim talked a little about why there were not fireworks this year (July 2, 2022). Our usual fireworks company could not provide a shooter and there was less supply.  A company that came and looked at the site in early May couldn’t get fireworks supplies from China and decided that the new house near the park made the height fireworks we use to have unsafe. Doubted their insurance company would allow.As for this past July’s event, while the crowd was definitely smaller, the vendors  gave out the same amount of donation as 2021. We did have about half the total amount on beer sales and people did not stay until dark. We did not have a “gate” just asked for donations, and so we collected about $3,000 less that way.
    Brandon Black helped with parking again this year.  And Tim gave great appreciation and thanks to David Ferrall for all his work and coordination for the event in Tim’s absence (on his trip to Alaska).Ann suggested for next year we consider a Drone light show. Maybe Mark Eisener in Free Union?Terri said that  when the plaza is done, we will need remote parking for it.  And we need a middle of the day run for Jaunt – the Crozet Connect. 

New Business:  

  • Tom Loach discussed the land use value tax and requested that  the County of Albemarle provide to the CCA  the total amount of taxes deferred under the Use Value taxation since its inception in 1975.   Additionally the CCA requests the approximate additional cost to county taxpayers to support the land use program, i.e. in 191 this amount was 11 cents of the tax rate.Tom Loach discussed the CCA conducting another community survey using the 2017 participant information to get feedback from the community about the issues and options that involve the Crozet community in Albemarle County’s “AC44” comprehensive plan revision.  He thinks that most of them will effect Crozet.He made a motion that the CCA set up a survey committee, similar to the last one in 2017, to gauge the support for each of the county’s AC44 options. Ray Grant seconded the motion.  It passed unanimously.[Note: Per Article VII of the CCA bylaws, this motion must be presented and voted on at the next meeting of the CCA, and accepted in order to be adopted.]

Announcements –  

  • Household Hazardous waste on Friday & Saturday, September 23 and 24 from 9AM to 2PM at IMUC
  • Bulky Waste Amnesty days:
    • Furniture/Mattresses – October 1, 2022
    • Appliances – October 8, 2022
    • Tires – October 15, 2022
  • Electronic Waste Collection Day– Saturday, September 22, 2022 from 9A to 3P at IMUC
  • Commercial Hazardous Waste Collection – Thursday, September 22, 2022.  Qualifying businesses* must pre-register with MXI Environmental by September 16 to obtain an appointment.  To Register, call or email Peggy Snead at (276) 628-6636, extension 203 or peggys@mxiinc.com.” There is a fee associated with disposal.

Future Agenda Items?  – None.

Meeting adjourned at 8:55 PM.

These minutes were prepared by Tim Tolson, from Ann Mallek’s and his notes.

Tentatively, the next CCA meeting is November 10, 2022 at 7:30 PM

CCA meetings are at 7:30 PM on the second Thursday of the odd numbered months
(except July).

Email us at: CrozetCommunity@gmail.com

Join our email list by signing up at: http://CrozetCommunity.org/contact-us/

These minutes of the September 8, 2022 meeting were unanimously approved at the November 10, 2022 meeting.