CCAC Meeting Agenda 12 January 2022

Virtual Meeting 

Wednesday, January 12, 2022 from 7:00 to 8:30 PM

Click here for PDF (printable) version of the agenda

This meeting is being held pursuant to and in compliance with Ordinance No. 20-A(14): An Ordinance to Ensure the Continuity of Government During the Covid-19 Disaster.


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Use this link  to join the webinar.

BY PHONE/CALL-IN:  Dial (301) 715-8592. Type in the Webinar ID: 945 7178 2297 followed by the pound (#) sign.

If you have any questions, please email Carolyn Schaffer at


1. Call to Order and Agenda Review. (Allie Pesch – CCAC chair; 3 minutes)
Recording of this January 12, 2022 meeting 

2. Approve last meeting’s minutes – Draft Minutes of December 8, 2021 Meeting;
Recording of December 8, 2021 meeting on YouTube
There was not a quorum for approval of the Draft Minutes of November 10, 2021 Meeting

3. Community Meeting: ZMA202000012 Montclair [formerly known as White Gate Village]  (60 minutes)
Vito Cetta, Applicant with Kelsey Schlein, Justin Shimp, Shimp Engineering, on behalf of the applicant.
Cameron Langille, Albemarle County Planning Division, Lead Reviewer
TAX MAP/PARCEL: 056E0000000200, 056000000091A0
LOCATION: 5055 Three Notch’d Road, Charlottesville, VA 22901 (on Route 240 beside Wickham Pond)
PROPOSAL: Request to rezone two properties totaling 17.51 acres from the RA Rural Area and LI Light Industry zoning districts to the NMD Neighborhood Model District to allow a mixed-use development with up to 157 residential units and 16,500 sq. ft. of non-residential uses.
PETITION: Request to rezone 12.19 acres from the RA Rural Area zoning district which allows for agricultural, forestal, and fishery uses; residential density (0.5 unit/acre in development lots) to NMD Neighborhood Model District which allows for residential (3 – 34 units/acre) mixed with commercial, service and industrial uses. Request to rezone 5.32 acres from the LI Light Industry zoning district which allows industrial, office, and limited commercial uses (no residential use) to NMD Neighborhood Model District which allows for residential (3 – 34 units/acre) mixed with commercial, service and industrial uses. Proposal includes approximately 3.5 acres of open space and recreational amenities throughout the development. A minimum of 58 and a maximum of 157 residential units are proposed at a maximum gross residential density of 8.96 du/acre for the entire development and a maximum net density of 12 du/acre for the area designated for development in the Crozet Master Plan. A maximum of 16,500 sq. ft. of non-residential uses are proposed. Request proposed to amend the ACSA jurisdictional area boundary to water and sewer on Tax Map Parcel 56-91A.
Materials can be accessed online

4.  Committee Business (10 minutes)  Allie Pesch, CCAC Chair

The County staff posted this month’s agenda and documents at:

Next Regular Meeting:  February 9, 2022

Note: CCAC meets on the 2nd Wednesday of the month

The CCAC’s role and “charter” doc’s are found here:
CCAC Fact Sheet and committee information

CCAC Overview & Duties: