CCAC Meeting September 17, 2014


The Crozet Library Community Room Crozet (2020 Library Avenue)
Wednesday, September 17, 2014 from 7:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m. 
NOTE the new day and location!


1. Agenda Review. (Meg Holden – CCAC chair)

2. Approval of Minutes from previous meetings (June 16, July 2, July 17, and August 21)

3. Project Updates/Information:

  •  Streetscape updates/issues if there are any, safe walks to school, Harris Teeter Crossing (Trevor Henry, Albemarle County Director of Facilities Development).
  • Crozet Park events and plans – Kim Guenther, President
  • County staff to dicuss new proposed zoning text amendments for setbacks in development areas.
  • Brief update on Barnes Lumber Property and plans for learning about Community Development Corporation (CDC).

4. Items not listed on the agenda 

5. Announcements.

6. Future Agenda Items.