Crozet Plaza Update
Monday, June 14, 2021 at 7:00 PM
Click here to join this Zoom meeting
The Downtown Crozet Initiative group have been working behind the scenes with Albemarle County, VDOT, Milestone Partners (developer) and others to make progress on the future Crozet plaza. Please join them this Monday, June 14, via Zoom to view the most recent proposed plans for the plaza and hear a projected timeline for when the groundbreaking will commence! You also will have the opportunity to ask questions and provide feedback, as community input is invaluable to the success of downtown. We hope to see everyone there! Click here to let them know you’re coming!
Click here to join this Zoom meeting
If you do not have Zoom already, or download Zoom, it’s free!
Then the Zoom meeting ID: 969 8066 8321 Passcode: 082757
If calling in, dial: (929) 205-6099
A sneak peek of the proposed plaza design that will be shared!

Proposed Crozet Plaza site plan revision