The Crozet Community Association (CCA)
CCA Founding, Vision, and Mission
The CCA was incorporated in February 1985 by a group of local Crozet residents who saw the need to work together to protect, preserve, and enhance our Crozet community and establish a forum where all are welcome.
We meet on the second Thursday of the odd-numbered months (e.g., January, March) at 7:30 PM at the Claudius Crozet Park Community Building (aka old WPED radio building).
The Crozet Community Association welcomes, accepts, and celebrates all people, believing that equality and diversity exemplify the long-held ideals and values of Crozet.
It is committed to
- championing equality of worth among people;
- learning, acknowledging, and honoring the unique histories and lived experiences of all people; and
- standing united against any ideology of racial exclusion, superiority, segregation, or domination that perpetuates discrimination.
The mission of the CCA is to be
- a non-partisan forum for communicating information and issues associated with the quality of life in Crozet, VA.,
- a representative advocate for improving and maintaining a high quality of life within Crozet, VA., and
- a source to establish interest and action groups on areas of concern or interest to the community of Crozet, VA. The CCA accomplishes this mission by working with residents, county/state representatives, community organizations (e.g. local homeowners associations, service organizations), and businesses.
The current (2024) CCA Officers are:
President: Tim F. Jost Tolson. He can be reached by emailing TfjTolson <at> gmail <dot> com
Vice-President: Lisa Goehler
Secretary: Jo Ann Perkins
Treasurer: <vacant>
Our mail address is: CCA, P.O. Box 653, Crozet, VA 22932
We meet the second Thursday of odd-numbered months (except July) at 7:30 PM at the Claudius Crozet Park Community Building (aka old WPED radio building). So we meet on the second Thursday of January, March, May, September and November.
Everyone is welcome to attend. Annual dues are just $10.00.
The CCA is incorporated and registered with the Commonwealth of Virginia State Corporation Commission (SCC).
You can find us on the SCC’s website – Our SCC ID is: 02672525
Crozet residents have a long tradition of standing up for what’s right and fair. In the early 1950’s Lewis Carter, a black World War II veteran was hit and killed by a white man in a speeding car on a county road near Crozet. The citizens of Crozet felt that the local courts and law enforcement officials did not treat the matter seriously enough. Read the rest of the story on the Albemarle-Charlottesville NAACP website by clicking here.
Bylaws of the Crozet Community Association (CCA)
As revised January 11, 2018.
Article I: The CCA is a state corporation (NOT a 501 (c)3 non-profit) with volunteer officers and committee members. (P.O. Box 653, Crozet, VA 22932)
Article II: Officers will be elected for a one-year term, commencing on the first meeting of the calendar year immediately following their election. Positions will consist of President, Vice President, Secretary, and Treasurer. Candidates must be present at the election or have spoken with a current officer about their willingness to serve if elected. Majority approval by attendees at the first meeting of the calendar year will constitute election. Duties of the officers shall be as implied by their titles. All officers shall be responsible for keeping accurate records.
Article III: There will be 9 standing committees, which will meet independently of the CCA meetings and provide updates at each meeting of the CCA. They are as follows:
- Safety and Security
- Education
- Publicity/Communication
- Environmental
- Crozet Economic Development
- Recreation/Parks
- Fundraising
- Historic
- Crozet Master Plan
Committees may be eliminated or added as determined
by the majority of attendees of a scheduled CCA meeting.
Article IV: Meetings will be held the second Thursday of the months of January, March, May, September, and November, and will generally follow Roberts Rules. Additional meetings may be called as determined by the President.
Article V: There will be annual dues collected each calendar year. The amount of the dues will be established and approved by attendees at a scheduled CCA meeting.
Article VI: Amendments to the Articles of Incorporation or these Bylaws may be proposed at any scheduled CCA meeting. Upon majority vote of approval, such proposed amendment must be placed on the agenda of the next regularly scheduled CCA meeting for a final majority vote for adoption. Such adoption shall become effective at the subsequent scheduled meeting following adoption.
Article VII: Motions made at a scheduled meeting in the conduct of the general business shall be voted upon and moved for adoption by a majority vote of those present. Motions on new matters or topics of general community interest or impact made at a scheduled meeting may be presented at any scheduled CCA meeting. Upon majority vote of approval, such proposed amendment must be placed on the agenda of the next scheduled CCA meeting for a final majority vote for adoption. The context of the motion will be communicated in the meeting minutes of the meeting in which it is presented and noted as being presented for vote of adoption at the next subsequent meeting.
Article VIII: A quorum of 10 percent of the members who are current in their dues shall be required to conduct business at any meeting of the CCA.
Article IX: Roberts Rules of Order Newly Revised shall govern the CCA conduct of meetings where they are not inconsistent with these Bylaws.
Originally from the: http://www.crozetgazette.com
In 1996, looking for symbol for the Crozet community, the Crozet Community Association (CCA) investigated the family heraldry of town namesake Claudius Crozet. Three emblems for the name were discovered in old French heraldry books at the University of Virginia Library, but all were depicted in black and white. For one, the least complex coat-of-arms, there was a description of the emblem’s colors and therefore it was officially adopted by the CCA and stickers and a handful of flags were made. The colors are happily compatible with the American flag. The emblem dates from the 1300s and uses a common medieval symbol for the Virgin Mary, a rose (this particular design appears to have been common on coats-of-arms) and the color also associated with her, blue.
Additional information at the Crozet Gazette: https://www.crozetgazette.com/shop/the-crozet-flag/
The stick-on bumper stickers are provided free by the CCA to encourage civic pride and identity. You can find one around Crozet on the counters for the taking at such places as the the Crozet Gazette office, Parkway Pharmacy, Crozet Hardware, and The Mudhouse. They are also available at CCA bi-monthly meetings.
Magnetic Crozet crest stickers are available for a minimum suggested donation of $3 per magnetic sticker. Available at the Crozet Hardware on The Square, the Crozet Gazette office, or online at CCA Square Marketplace or the bi-monthly CCA meeting. The stick-on bumper stickers continue to be freely available at stores around Crozet. Email us if you can’t find one at your favorite Crozet shop.
Unsolicited praise and support for the Crozet flag – The Guild Review blog wrote blog post about our flag, saying, This flag has all the attributes of a good flag or coat of arms: it is simple, clear, distinctive, historically grounded, and aesthetically pleasing. Click here to read the full blog post.