Change of time and place for the June meeting of the Crozet Community Advisory Council (CCAC).
The June meeting of the CCAC will be held at the Albemarle County Office Building on McIntire Road at 6:30pm on Wednesday, June 19, 2013.
The meeting will begin at 6:30 PM with a joint Advisory Councils meeting to discuss proposed changes to the critical slopes regulations in the Development Areas and we will follow that meeting with a short regular meeting of the CCAC at approximately 7:00 PM in Room 235 of the County Office Building. The draft agenda for which is below and a PDF of it here.
And the draft staff report on critical slopes in the development areas here:
CCAC Resolution on traffic calming solutions on Route 250 at Clover Lawn
There will be a Joint Advisory Councils Meeting on June 19 at 6:30 p.m. in the Albemarle County Office Building on McIntire Road to discuss proposed changes to the critical slopes regulations in the Development Areas. The meeting will begin in Lane Auditorium with a presentation on the proposed changes, then a brief period for questions and answers. After that, members will meet with their individual councils to discuss and provide input on the proposed changes. The time can also be used for other topics the Council needs to discuss.
For background, over the last several years the County has been updating its zoning regulations to bring them closer in line with Comprehensive Plan goals. In particular, the critical slopes regulations need updating for the Development Area. At present, a single set of regulations applies to the Rural Area and the Development Area. Unfortunately, most of the evaluation for disturbance relates to Rural Area lots which use septic systems and drainfields. A proposal to change the critical slopes regulations was provided to the Board of Supervisors on November 7, 2012. The staff report for that meeting can be found here:
We need to hear from Development Area residents and we believe the first place to explain the proposed changes and get feedback is at the Advisory Councils. This is because of the strong relationships between critical slopes maps and the master plans.
If you have questions or need additional information about the Critical Slopes proposal, please contact Elaine Echols at 296-5823 x 3252 or by email at
County Office Building, Room 235
Wednesday, June 19, 2013
from 7:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m.
Tentative Agenda
1. Agenda Review (Meg Holden – CCAC chair).
2. Approval of Minutes from May 16, 2013 meeting.
3. Project Updates/Information:
* Update on Library Fundraising (Bill Schrader)
* Update on streetscape
* Anything on plans for pedestrian crossing signal at Clover Lawn/Harris Teeter, approve a resolution to request some action regarding a safer solution for this crossing area
CCAC Resolution on traffic calming solutions on Route 250 at Clover Lawn
* Plans for Crozet Independence Day Parade, Celebration and Fireworks on July 6.
4. Turning lanes on 250
5. Extreme jeep driving on Bear Creek Rd.
6. Items not listed on the Agenda
7. Announcements.
8. Future Agenda Item