CCA Meeting Agenda September 12, 2024

Crozet Community Association Meeting Agenda
September 12, 2024 at 7:30 PM
Claudius Crozet Park Community Building
(aka old WPED radio building)

(Click here for PDF version of the agenda)

Please enter Crozet Park through the front gate on Park Road and park on the basketball courts located behind the main facility and near the Community building. Please do not park along Hilltop Street or Indigo Road.

Agenda Review / Changes and additions from the floor.
Approval of the CCA’s last meeting’s minutes (May 9, 2024; click here for PDF version of the minutes)  
Treasurer’s Report (Dues are still just $10 for 2024!)

Albemarle County Police Department (ACPD) may visit and give an update. (Evening Patrol Division).

Update and News from Ann Mallek, our county supervisor.

 Old Business:

  • Crozet Independence Day Celebration, 
    • Success!  Everyone reported having a great time and loved having the event at King Family Vineyards.  We’ve had 2 de-brief meetings from the event.
    • We raised nearly 98% of our $40,000 goal!
    • Next Crozet Independence Day Celebration will be the Saturday AFTER July 4th, which is, Saturday, July 5, 2025.   We’ve checked with CVFD and they will do the parade then too!
  • Hanging Baskets along Crozet Avenue in downtown Crozet.  Muff Biber, Tim Tolson, and Chelsea Powers (president of Crozet Board of Trade) are working on the details of draft contract from the Albemarle County Facilities and Environmental Services department.  The aim is to have flower baskets hung by next spring (2025).

New Business

  • Any?

 Update:  Three Notched Trail (Allie Hill).  It began as a project of the Rivanna Trails Foundation (RTF), a non-profit established in 1992 with a mission to “promote, create and protect pathways, trails and greenways in the Rivanna River Watershed”.


Future Agenda Items?

 The next CCA meeting is November 14, 2024 at 7:30 PM
at the Crozet Park Community Building (aka old radio building)
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