Crozet Community Association (CCA) Minutes of the
January 11, 2024 meeting
Claudius Crozet Park Community Building
(aka old WPED radio building)
Click here for PDF version of these minutes.
Welcome by Tim Tolson, president at 7:32 PM. Nine members present.
Agenda Review / Changes and additions from the floor?
There were none.
Approval of the CCA’s last meeting’s minutes (November 9, 2023)
Asia Weekley made a motion to approve. Chris Saxon seconded. The minutes were approved unanimously.
Treasurer’s Report – (2024 Dues: Still just $10 annual contribution!)
CCA:$4,005.58; CIDC: $2,134.92; TOTAL: $6,140.50
Tim repeated the announcement that he made at the November meeting that the Crozet Board of Trade made a donation to us to pull CIDC funds out of red and allow some start-up expenses for the 2024 CIDC.
Albemarle County Police Department (ACPD) may visit and give an update. (Evening Patrol Division)
Lt. Drew Meyer, Blue Ridge District Commander gave an up date on criminal activity In Crozet. He emphasized locking our cars and our houses. Hide our valuables out of sight in our cars. Lots of tools at construction sites have been stolen. He expressed that we all should take care to secure our equipment. Two other officers attended as well.
Presentation: Update on The Square Improvements (Lance Stewart, Albemarle County’s Director of Facilities and Environmental Services). He handed out maps of the area that will soon be under construction and an in-depth map of specific areas in The Square. Please be aware this all takes time when you have two partners working on the project and one is VDOT and the other Albemarle County. Once the project is complete you will only be able to take a righthand turn on to Crozet Avenue from the Square and to make a righthand turn from Crozet Avenue into the Square.
The project will add a lot to Crozet community. Oak Street parking improvements east of The Square will begin the project and then the area in front of the businesses.
(Mr. Stewart gave a presentation on this project to the Crozet Community Advisory Committee (CCAC) at their February 14, 2024 meeting. The PDF of that presentation is available on the CCA website (
They expect to bid the project in March to May and start work in July 2024 and complete the project in June 2025.
Old Business:
- Crozet Independence Day will be Saturday June 29, 2024 at the King Family Vineyard!
- Tim reported that the planning committee meets again this Friday at King Family Vineyard. Crozet Parade will continue to be at the same time (5pm on 6/29/2024) and route.
- For 2023 (last year’s CIDC) The Crozet Board of Trade donated a total of $1,750 to the Crozet Volunteer Fire Department, Western Albemarle Rescue Squad, Crozet Trails Crew and Crozet Fellowship Church. The Crozet Board of Trade has the funds to pay for the fireworks deposit for this year.
New Business:
- Election of CCA officers for 2024. Rick Massuch made a motion to accept the slate of officers as presented: President: Tim Tolson, Vice-President: Lisa Goehler, Secretary: Jo Ann Perkins, and Acting Treasurer: Tim Tolson. Chris Saxon seconded the motion. Passed unanimously. Congratulations to the new officers.
Announcements –
- Household Hazardous waste on Friday & Saturday, April 26 & 27 from 9AM to 2PM at IMUC
- Bulky Waste Amnesty days: Furniture/Mattresses – May 4, 2024; Appliances – May 11, 2024; Tires – May 18, 2024
- Electronic Waste Collection Day– Saturday, April 20, 2024 from 9 A to 3P at IMUC
- You MUST pre-register:
- Commercial Hazardous Waste Collection– Thursday, April 25, 2024. Qualifying businesses must pre-register with MXI Environmental earlier in April to obtain an appointment. To register, call or email Peggy Snead at (276) 628-6636, extension 203 or There is a fee associated with disposal.
- Details on their websiteat
- Introduction to Albemarle County’s Comprehensive Plan update, known as AC44(opens in YouTube). Albemarle County’s Comprehensive Plan Update website:
- Questionnaires are open for Housing and Economic Development. Please share your feedback on how well the draft Goals align with the AC44 Framework and what may be missing from these draft recommendations. If you haven’t had a chance to review the other open topics, questionnaires for Environmental Stewardship, Parks and Recreation, and Historic, Scenic, and Cultural Resources are still open for you to provide feedback.
- Sentara Family Health Forum: These are held at Crozet United Methodist Church from 3 to 4:30. The one being held January 16 has been moved to February 20 with snow day February 27. (Bad weather prediction) The event is free. This will be the fourth forum in a series and the topic is Diabetes and Nutrition. Medical expertise is provided by Sentara Hospital.
Future Agenda Items?
– None.
Tim adjourned the meeting at 8:50 PM
Minutes prepared by Jo Ann Perkins, CCA secretary.
The minutes of this January 11, 2024 meeting will be reviewed, revised as necessary,
and approved at the next CCA meeting on March 14, 2024.
The next CCA meeting is March 14, 2024 at 7:30 PM
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