CCAC Meeting Agenda 20 September 2017


The Crozet Library, 2020 Library Avenue, Crozet
Wednesday, September 20, 2017 from 7:00 to 9:00 PM

Click here for PDF (printable) version of the agenda.


1.  Agenda Review. (Dave Stoner– CCAC chair)

2.  Approval of Minutes (Draft minutes of July 19, 2017 meeting not yet available )

3. Transient Lodging Proposed County Rule Change (Elaine Echols, Albemarle County Chief of Planning – 45min)

4. Crozet Traffic Discussion (Joel DeNunzio, VDOT Resident Engineer–45min) [Tentative]

5. Neighborhood Improvement Funding Initiative (NIFI) Update (Dave Stoner – 15 min)

6.  Items not listed on the agenda

7.  Announcements & Future Agenda Items

    1. All-CAC Meeting Oct 2, at 6:30pm County Office Building
      1. NIFI Projects Scoping Report & Consultants
      2. County Capacity Analysis
    2. October 18 CCAC Meeting
      1. Western Park Master Plan Revision
      2. Barnes Lumber Rezoning Update
      3. The Square NIFI Project Update

The CCAC’s role and “charter” doc’s are found here:
General CCAC info
CCAC Overview & Duties: