The Eighth Annual Crozet Independence Day Parade, Celebration, and Fireworks, Saturday, June 30, 2018
It all starts with the Crozet Volunteer Fire Department (CVFD) parade at 5:00 PM at Crozet Elementary School and goes down Crozet Avenue through downtown Crozet to Claudius Crozet Park. The Parade Grand Marshal is Mike Marshall.
If you would like to be a part of the 2018 Crozet Fireman’s parade, please submit your entry to be in the parade to ensure you are included in the lineup. Lineup will be based on a first come basis. Horses/livestock will be placed near or at the end of the parade. Lineup will begin at 4:00 P.M. at Crozet Elementary School and the parade ends at Claudius Crozet Park. Awards will be presented around 7:30 P.M.
The celebration begins at Claudius Crozet Park after the parade, where there will be live music by local band Crozet Jam Band. There will also be bounce houses and laser tag for children, for just $5/child. Bring a lawn chair if you want to be comfortable as you listen to the local band, Crozet Jam Band. Traditional American Fourth of July fare will be available, including barbecue from Moe’s BBQ, hot dogs, popcorn, funnel cake, savory and sweet waffles, pies, and sno-cones, as well as vegetarian and vegan choices, tacos, and other favorites! Starr Hill, and Pro Re Nada Beer and Bold Rock Cider will also be available for a separate cost. Event culminates at 9:30 PM with a stupendous fireworks show. (We have it at 9:30 PM so it’s late enough to be dark, but not too late to for the youngsters to view the show.)
There are no pets allowed in the event and we’ll provide designated smoking areas and ask that you only smoke in those areas. If you live nearby Crozet Park, we encourage you to walk!
How much would you pay for such good times? All that’s asked is a donation of $4 per person (children 12 and under free) as you enter to park to help pay for the fireworks and event expenses. The non-profit civic groups in Crozet are the ones that benefit from any money raised above the cost of the event, so please be generous. In past years, we’ve donated thousands of dollars to CVFD, Crozet Park, and other civic groups.
Check out our Facebook page at: http://facebook.com/Crozet.Independence.Day.Celebration
The event is sponsored by the Crozet Volunteer Fire Department, Crozet Community Association, Claudius Crozet Park, Crozet Lions Club, Life Journey Church, Crozet Board of Trade, and several other area churches, and citizen volunteers.
Making a Contribution
These events involve a lot of donated time from a lot of individuals, but they can’t happen without financial contributions, too. Of course, we appreciate all donations, but to boost our efforts to cover expenses, we have three leadership donor levels and we are hoping that you will show your support by becoming a lead patron this year.
- For a gift of $500 or more, we will prominently display your company banner you provide at the entrance to the park during the event, identify your patron status in the Crozet Gazette and event handbill and provide you with ten passes to the celebration in the park.
- For a gift of $250 to $499, you will receive acknowledgment in the Crozet Gazette and event handbill and four passes to the celebration in the park.
- And, for a gift of $100 to $249 you will receive two passes to the celebration in the park, published thanks in the Crozet Gazette and the event handbill.
July will be here before you know it. Won’t you join us by contributing whatever you can afford? If being a lead patron is too much this, please send whatever you can afford. Your contribution is tax-deductible charitable donation. Thank you!
- You can mail a check payable to: Crozet Board of Trade and send it to: DCA, P.O. Box 261, Crozet, VA 22932. Please put “CIDC donation” on the memo line.
- You can contribute right now, online, by clicking on this link:
- Please put “CIDC donation” in the Designation box.
- Thank you for your generous support!
It takes a village – won’t you help out on Saturday, June 30 for an hour?
We need your help for just an hour or two on Saturday, June 30. Below is the website to sign-up to help with the Crozet Independence Day Celebration (CIDC) Saturday, June 30, between 5PM to 10PM. There are a variety of tasks and time slots. Most of the time slots are only an hour – so there’s lots of ways to help and still enjoy the event.
To sign-up, please click here.
When you sign-up it will ask for your name, email and, optionally phone number. No one else can see your email and phone. We promise we won’t share it. It’s helpful for us to have it if something happens and we need to let you know about a last minute change.
We urge church groups, civic and neighborhood associations to sign-up. Crozet Trails Crew already has volunteered to staff one spot the whole evening! Let’s see which group can have the most volunteers!
With your help, we can make this Crozet Independence Day celebration the best ever!