2013 January 10 CCA Meeting Minutes

Crozet Community Association (CCA) Minutes
January 10, 2013 at 7:30 PM
The Field School Auditorium

(As approved at the March 14, 2013 meeting)

(Click here for PDF version of these minutes)

Welcome by Tim Tolson, President at 7:30 PM.  19 members present.

Minutes were prepared by Jo Ann Z. Perkins

Agenda Review.  No changes and additions from the floor were offered.

Approval of the CCA’a last meeting's minutes (November 8, 2012)

The minutes were approved unanimously as sent by e-mail.

Treasurer's Report  (Annual family dues are $10, payable for 2013)

Emery Taylor was unable to attend, however, he sent a Treasurer’s Report of $414.82

A Moment in Crozet History (Phil James)

Phil James gave an informative history of John J. Lafferty who moved to Crozet in his 1850’s.  He was a Methodist preacher who also taught journalism at Washington College (now Washington and Lee).  He was the first one to announce the death of Robert E. Lee.  Upon his moving his family to Crozet area, he tried to figure a way to mill wheat that had more nutritional value.

Presentation:  Claudius Crozet Park master plan and updates, Kelly Strickland.

Kelly Strickland presented posters that showed the different areas of the park and what was happening there.  This included the new dome, planned tennis courts, quick start tennis courts, basketball courts, and walking trails to tie in with other trails.  The relationship with the park and YMCA has been a very good partnership.

Update and news from our supervisor, Ann Mallek

Ann Mallek spoke on Barnes Lumber Company parking lot and opening the area for traffic as needed in emergency, solid waste authority, the landfill, and the contract with the waste company, school security with the Sandy Hook situation, and the power outages that happen too frequently in certain neighborhoods.  She also mentioned the School Board and Board of Supervisors comments of the savings of the school board when a teacher retires and a “less expensive” teacher is employed.  They have arrived at a compromise as to how much money is to remain in that fund.

Old Business:

Bill Schrader spoke on the funding for the furnishings of the new library.  The fundraising committee has raised about 1/3 of the needed funds so far.  The design of service desk is about to be finished to go out to bid for a local craftsman to make.  The Crozet Lions Club is having a Pancake Supper at Field School on March 2 where the proceeds will go to the furnishings.

  • Update on the Crozet Trails Crew (http://crozettrailscrew.org)

Phil Best spoke on the workdays of the CTC and how much they have done.  Next workday is at Byrom Forest Preserve Park.  Meet at Green House Coffee to carpool.  He encouraged everyone to get on the e-mail list of the CTC.

  • Crozet Historic District approved (Mike Marshall)

Mike Marshall announced that all bills have been paid and the historic district is finished.  The next project will be to put signs designating that district.  Need to check with VDOT about signage and what other avenues for getting funds for signs.

  • Update on Restore’N Station project.

Tim Tolson encouraged everyone to read the editorial in the Crozet Gazette about this project, as it gives all the details of the current status:  http://www.crozetgazette.com/2013/01/to-the-editor-restoren-victory/

  • Crozet 2013 Independence Day Celebration planning

Sandy Wilcox asked what date we wanted this to happen.  July 3, 4. 5, or 6?  A lot depends on the Fire Company and when other celebrations are happening.  A committee will soon be formed to begin the work on this event that got cancelled last year due to the storm that came through Crozet.

New Business:

  • Election of CCA officers.  Several people were contacted about being an officer and declined.  Candidates must be present or have spoken with a current officer about their willingness to serve if elected. On a motion by David Wayland, seconded by Mike Marshall, the following slate of officers were unanimously approved for another term:

President: Tim Tolson; Vice-President: Mary Rice;  Secretary: Jo Ann Perkins; Treasurer: Emery Taylor
* Per the Bylaws, this is the last year that Tim Tolson can serve as President.

  • Planning for the third annual Valentine’s Swing Dance, February 16, 2013 from 7PM to 11 PM  at the Field School.  All Committees and duties are the same as last year.  We need your help!
  • Fund raising for the CCA?  How to raise money to be able to support other causes in Crozet? Something that will be ongoing, and we need to think of ways we can do this.
  • Inquiry about Christmas tree lights in the Square. They weren’t lit this past Christmas.  Lions are planning on taking care of the lights this coming year. .
  • There are vacancies on several Albemarle County Boards and Commissions. The more Crozet residents are involved and participating in the Countywide boards and commissions the more our voice will be heard and our needs taken into account.   You can view the list of vacancies at: <http://albemarle.org/department.asp?department=bos&relpage=3206>  And you can apply on-line   at https://www.albemarle.org/boards/
  • Other items?  Jo Ann Perkins spoke on the need for more Crozet neighbors to volunteer at The Green Olive Tree.  This business provides quite a service to the community and, in turn, it makes substantial contributions back to the community.  Nancy Virginia Bain told of as family that has mentioned that they clothe their children since infancy from purchases from the Tree.
  • Discussion about how we can get better attendance, get more of the folks from the new neighborhoods participating.  Reaching out to the HOAs is being done, though not consistently.


  • Joint Community Advisory Council Town Hall meeting is this coming Monday, January 14 from 6:30 to 8:30 PM in Room 241 of Albemarle County Office Building on McIntire Road.  NOT next THURSDAY, January 17.  Everyone is encouraged to attend.
  • Peachtree Baseball Registration: Tuesday & Thursday, Jan 15 & 17 from 6:30 to 9:00 PM at the Old Trail Community Building or online at: http://www.peachtreebaseball.com
  • The meeting adjourned at 9:15 PM

The next CCA meeting is March 14, 2013 at 7:30 PM at the Field School Auditorium